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132 what could have been done more to my vineyard' that I ha:vernot done in it?" When he had planted it in a fi·uitful soil, and fenced it and gathered out the stones, and planted it with the choicest vines, what should he have done more to it? He hath made you men, and endowed you with reason; he hath furnished you with all external necessaries; all creatures are at your service; he hath given you a righteous perfect law. When ye had broken -it, and undone yourselves, he had pity on you, and sent his Son by a miracle of condescending mercy to die for you, and be a sacrifice for your sins; and he was in Christ reconciling the world to himself! · The Lord Jesus hath made you a deed of gift of himself, and eternal life with him, on the condition you will but accept it, and return. He hath on this reasonable condition offered you the fi·ee pardon of all your sins! he bath written this in his word, and sealed it by his Spirit, and sent it by his ministers: they have made the offer to you a hundred and a hundred times, and called you to ~ccept it, and to turn to God. They have in his name entreated you, and reasoned the case with you, and answered all your fi·ivolous objections. He hath long waited on you, and staid your leisure, and suffered you to abuse him to his HlCe! He bath mercifully sustained you in the midst of your sins; he hath eompassed you about with all sorts of mercies; he bath also intermixed afflictions, to remind you of your folly, and call you to your senses, and his Spirit has been often striving with your hearts, and saying there, 'Turn, sinner, turn to him that calleth Whither art thou going? What art thou doing? Dost thou know what will be the end? How long wilt thou hate thy friends, and love thine enemies? When wilt thou let go all, and turn and deliver thyself to God, and give thy Redeemer the possession of thy soul? When shall it once be?' These pleadings have been w~ed with thee, and when thou hast delayed, thou hast been urged to make haste, attd