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THE UNCONVERTED. 155 day for the saving of your own souls, as I would be f()r my own supply, if I were forced to come begging to your doors; and therefore if you would hear me then, hear me now. If you would pity me then, be entreated now to pity yourselves. I do again beseech you, as if it were on my bended knees, that you would hearken to your Redeemer, and Turn, that you may live. All you that have lived in ignorance, and carelessness, and presumption;to this day; all you that have heen drowned in the cares of the world, and)lave no mind of God, and eternal glory; all you that are enslaved to your fleshly desires of meats and drinks, sports and lusts; and all you that know not the necessity of holiness, and never were acquainted with the sanctifying wor~ of the Holy Ghost upon your souls; that never embraced your blessed Redeemer by a lively faith, and with admiring and thankful apprehensions of his love; and that never felt a higher estimation of God and heaven, and a heartier love to them than to your fleshly prosperity, and the things below,-1 earnestly beseech you, not only for my sake, but for the Lord's sake, and for your soul's sake, that you go not one day longer in your former condition, but look about you, and cry to God for converting grace, that you may be made new creatures, and may escape the plagues that are a little before you. And if ever you will do any thing for me, grant me this request, to turn from your evil ways and live. Deny me any tiling that ever I shall ask you for myself, if you will but grant me this; and if you deny me this, 1·care not for any thing else that you would grant me. Nay, as ever you will do any thing at the request of the Lord that made you and redeemed you, deny him not this; for if you deny him this, he cares for nothing that you shall grant him. As ever you would have him hear your prayers, and grant your rPquests, and do for you at the hour of death and dc1y of judgment, or in any of your extremities, de- !lY not his request now in the day of your pr9speri-