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·194 NOW OR NEVEr.. folly, and when we know that these matters are oot thought of in another world, as they are among sleepy sinners here, and yet know not how to make you know it, whom it doth so exceedingly much concerp, this amazeth us, and almost breaks our hearts. Yea, when we tell you of things that are past doubt, and can be no further matter of controversy, than men have sold their understanding;:;, and betrayed their reason to their sordid lusts, and yet we cannot get reasonable men to know that which they cannot choose but know, to know that seriously and practically which always hath a witness in their breasts, and which none but the profligate dare deny; this, even this, is worse than a prison to us. It is you that are our persecutors; it is you that are the daily sorrow of our hearts; it is you that disall'" point us of our hopes, and make us lose so much of the labour of our lives. Sinners, whatever the devil and raging passiOJil may say against a holy life, God and your own consciences shall be our witnesses, that we desired nothing unreasonable, or unnecessary at your hands, · The question that I am putting to you, is not whether you will be for this form of church-government, or for that; but it is, whether you will hearken in time to God and conscience, and be as busy to provide for heaven, as ever you have been to provide for earth? It is godliness, serious and practical godliness, that thou art called to. It is nothing but what all Christians in the world are agreed in. That.I may not leave thee in any darkness which I can deliver thee from, I will tell thee distinctly, though succinctly, what it is that thou art thus impOl·tuned to; and tell me, then, whether it be that which any Christian can make doubt of. 1. That which I entreat of thee, is but to live as one that verily believeth there is a God; and that this God is the Creator, the Lonl and Ruler of the world~ and that it is incomparably more our business to understand and obey his laws, and as faithful subiects to be conformed to them, than to ~serve