NOW OR NEVER. 195 or be conformed to the laws of man: and to live as men that do believe that this God is Almighty, and that the greatest of men are less than crawling worms to him; and that he is infinitely wise, and the wisdom of man is foolishness to him; and that he is infinitely good and amiable; that his love is the only felicity of man; and that none are happy but those that do enjoy it; and none that do enjoy it can be miserable; and that riches, and honour, and fleshly delights are brutish vanities in comparison of the eternal love of God. Live but as men that heartily believe all this, and I have that I come for; and is any of this a matter of controversy or doubt? Not among Christians I am sure: not among wise men. It is no doubt to those in heaven, nor to those in hell, nor to those that have not lost their l)nderstandings upon earth. Live then according to these truths. 2. Live as men that verily believe that mankinll is fallen into sin and misery; and that all men are corrupted, and under the condemnation of the law of God, till they are delivered, pardoned, reconciled to God, and made new creatures, by a renewing, restoring, sanctifying change. Live but as men that believe that this cure must be wrought, and this great restoring change must be made upon ourselves, if it be not done already. Live as men that have so great a work to look after; and is this a matter of any doubt or controversy? Sure it is not to a Christian: and methinks it should not be to any man else that knoweth himself, any more than to a man in a dropsy, whether he be diseased, when he feels the thirst and sees the swelling. Did you but know what cures and changes are necessarily to be made upon your dise'ased miserable souls, if you care what becomes of them, you would soon see cause to look about you. S. Live but as men that verily believe that the Son of God, hath suffered for your sins, and brought you the tidings of pardon and salvation, which you may have, if you will give up yourselves to him