NOW OR NEVER. 199 we m~st " make no provision for the flesh to satisfy the Will or lusts thereof;" and must not "walk in gluttony and drunkenness, in chambering and wan- . tonness, in strife and envying," but must " have our hearts where our treasure is," and our conversation in heaven; and being risen with Christ, must seek the things that are above, and set our affections on them, and not on the things that are on earth. Sirs, will you say that any of this is our singular opinion, or matter of controversy and doubt{ Are not all Christians agreed in it? Do you not, your ownselves profess that you believe it? Live then but as those that do believe it, and condemn not yourselves in the things that you confess. I have done my part to open to you the necessity of seYious diligence, and to call up the sluggish souls of sinners to mind the work of their salvation, and to do it speedily, and with all their might. I must now leave the success to God and you. What use you will make of it, and what you will be and do for the time to come, is a matter that more concerneth yourselves than me. Sirs, the matter is now laid before you. What will you now do? Have I convinced you now, that God and your salvation are to be sought with all your might? If I have not, it is not for want of evidence in what is said, but for want of willingness in yourselves to know the truth. It is wonderful, to think that learned men, 1and gentlemen, and men, that pretend to reason and ingenuity, can quietly betray their souls, and do the evil that they have no more to say for, and neglect that duty that they have no more to say against, when they know they must do it now or never. That while they confess that there is a God, and a life to come, a heaven and a hell, and that this life is purposely given us for preparation for eternity, while they confess that God is most wise, and holy; and good, and just, and that sin is the greatest evil, and that the word of God is true, they can yet make shift to quiet themselves in an unholy, sensual, yare.-