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l""~IFTY REASONS WHY A SINNER -OUGHT TO TURN TO GOD WITHOUT DELAY. [With some abridgement.] HEBREWS III. 7, 8. To-day, if ye will hem· his voide, hm·den not your hearts. 1. CoNSIDER to whom it is that you are commanded to turn; and then tell me whether there can be any reason for delay. It is not to an empty deceitful creature, but to the faithful all-sufficient God; to Him that is the cause of all things; the strength of the creation; the joy of angels; the felicity of the saints; the sun and shield of all the righteous; the refuge of the distressed; and the glory ·of the whole world. Of such power, that his word can take down the sun from the firmament, and turn the earth and all things into nothing; for he cloth more in giving them their being and continuance: of such wisdom, that he was never guilty ofmistake; and therefore will not mislead you, nor draw you to any thing that is not for the best: of such goodness, as that evil cannot stand in his sight, and nothing but your evil could make him displeased with you; and it is from nothing but evil, that he·