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DYING THOUGHTS. 23S or hopes, for all the world; and it is never so well and pleasant with them, as when they can trust and love God most; and in their worst and weakest condition they would fain be perfect. Indeed, whatever real goodness is found among men, it is given by the same Spirit of Christ : but it is notorious, that in heavenly mindedness and virtue, no part of the world is comparable to serious Christians. This Spirit, Christ also expressly promised, as the means and pledge, the ji1·st .fruits and em·nest of the heavenly glm·y ; and, therefore, it is a certain proof that we shall have such a glory. He that gives us a spiritual change, which in its nature and tendency is heaven:. ly ; he that sets our hopes and hearts on heaven, and turns the endeavours of our lives towards future blessedness, and promised this preparatory grace as the earnest of that felicity, may well be trusted to perform his word in our complete eternal glory. "And now, 0 my soul! why shouldst thou draw back, as if the matter was doubtful ? Is not thy foundation firm ? Is not the way of life, through the valley of death, made safe by him that conquered death ? Art thou not yet delivered from the bondage of thy fears ? Hast thou not long ago found in thee the motions and effectual operations of this Spirit ? and is he not still residjng and working in thee, as the agent and witness of Christ ? If not, whence are thy ;ISpirations after God, thy desires to be nearer to his glory, to know him and love him more ? Whence came all the pleasure thou hast had in his sacred truth, and ways, and service ? V\TI10 subdued for thee thy folly, pride, and vain desires ? Who made it thy choice to sit at the feet of Jesus, and hear his word, as the better part, and count the honors and preferments of the world but dross ? Who breathed in thee all those requests thou hast sent up to God? Remember what thou wast in the hour of temptation, how small a matter has drawn thee to sin. Forget not the days of thy youthful vanity. Overlook not the case of thy sin- . ~0