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234 DYING THOUGHTS. ful neighbours, who, in the midst of light, still live in darkness, and hear not the loudest calls of God. Is it no work of Christ's Spirit that has made thee to differ ? Thou hast nothing to boast of; and mueh to be humbled, and also to be thankful for. Thy holy desires are, alas ! too weak ; but they are holy. Thy love has been too cold; but it is the' most holy God whom thou hast loved. Thy hopes have been too low; but thou hast hoped in God, and for hi:;; heavenly glory. Thy praye~s have been too dull and interrupted; but thou hast prayed for holiness and heaven. Thy labours have been too slothful; but thou hast laboured for God and Christ, and the good of mankind. Though thy motion was too weak and slow, it has been godward, and therefore it .is from God. 0 bless the Lord, not only for giving thee his word, and sealing it with uncontrolled miracles, but also for frequently and remarkably fulfiUing his promises, in the answer of thy prayers, and in great deliverance of thyself and of many others ; and that he has by regeneration been preparing thee for the light of glory ! And wilt thou yet doubt and fear, against all this evidence, experience, and foretaste?" Why should it seem a difficult question, How my soul may willingly leave this world, and go to Christ in peace J The same grace which regenerated me, must bring me to my desired end. "Believe and trust thy Father, thy Saviour, and thy Comforter. Hope for the joyful entertainments of the promised blessedness. And long by love for nearer divine union and communion. Thus, 0 my soul, mayst thou depart in peace." How clearly does 1·eason command me to trust him, absolutely and implicitly to trust him, and to distrust myself ! He is essential, infinite perfection, wisdom, power, and love. There is nothing to be trusted in any creatttre, but GoJ working in it, or by it. I am altogether his own, by right, by devotion, and by consent. He is the giver of all good