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DYING THOUGHTS.• 235 to every creature, as freely as the sun gives its light, and shall we not t rust the sun to shine ? He is my Father, and has taken me into his family, and shall I not t rust my heavenly Father ? He has given me his Son, as the greatest pledge of his love, and" shall he not with him also freely give me all things ?" His Son purposely came to reveal his Father's un-· speakable love, and shall I not trust him who has proclaimed his love by such a messenger from heaven ? He has given me the spirit of his Son, even the spirit of adoption, the witness, pledge, and earnest of heaven, the seal of God upon me, "holiness to the Lord," and shall I not believe his love, and trust him? He has made me a member of his Son, and will he not take care of me, and is not Christ to be trusted with his members ? I am his interest, and the interest of his Son, freely beloved, and dearly bought, and may I not trust him with his treasure? He has made me the care of angels, who " rejoiced at my repentance," and shall they lose their joy, or ministration ? He is in covenant with me, and has "given me many great and precious promises," and can he be unfaithful ? My Saviour is the forerunner, who has entered into the holiest, and is there interceding for me, having first conquered death to assure us of a future life, and ascended into heaven, to show us whither we must ascend, and having "said to his brethren, I ascend to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God;" and shall I not follow him through death, and trust such a guide and captain of my salvation? He is there to " prepare a place .fbr me, and will receive me unto himself," and may I not confidently expect it ? He told a malefactor on the cross, "to day shalt thou be with me in paradise," to show believing :;;inners what they may expect. - His apostles and other saints have served him on earth with all these expectations. "The spirits of just men made perfect," are now possessing what 1 hope for, and I am a" follower of them, who, through faith and patience, inherit the