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~S6 DYING THOUGHTS. promised " felicity ; and may i not trust him to save· rne, who has already saved millions ? What abundant experience have I had of God's fidelity and love, and after all shall I not trust him r His undeserved mercy gave me being, chose my p,arents, gave them affectionate desires for my real good, taught them to instruct me eafly in his word, and educate me in his fear, made my habitation and companions suitable, endowed me with a teachable disposition, put excellent books into my hands, and placed me under wise and faithful schoolmasters and ministers. His mercy fixed me in the best of lands, and in the best age that land had seen. His mercy early destroyed in me all great expectations from the world, taught me to bear the yoke fi·om my youth, caused me rather to groan under my infirmities, than struggle with powerful lusts, and chastened me betimes, but did not give me over nnto death. Ever since I was at the age of nineteen, great mercy has trained me up in the school of affiiction, to keep my sluggish soul awake in the constant expectations of my change, to kill my proud and worldly thoughts, and to direct all my studies to things the most necessary. How has a life of constant but gentle chastisement urged me to" make my calling and election sure," and to prepare my accounts, as one that must quickly give them up to God ? The face of death, and nearness of eternity, convinced me what books to read, what studies to prosecute, what companions to choose, drove me early into the vineyard of the Lord, and taught me to preach as a dying rnan to dying rnen. It was divine love and mercy which made sacred truth so pleasant to me, that my life, under all my infirmities, has been almost a constant recreation. How far beyond my expectations has a merciful God encouraged me in his sacred work, choosing every place of my ministry and abode to this day, without my own seeking, and never sending me to labour in vain ! Hqw many are gone to heaven, and how many are in the way, through a.