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DYING THOUGHTS. 237 divine blessing on the word which in weakness I delivered! Many good Christians are glad ofnow and then an hour to meditate on God's word, and refi·esh themselves in his holy worship, but God has allowed and called me to make it the constant business of my life. In my library, I have profitably and pleasantly dwelt among the shining lights, with which the learned, wise, and holy men of all ages, have illuminated the world. How many comfortable hours have I had in the society of living saints, and in the love of faithful friends ! How many joyful days in solemn worshipping assemblies, where the Spirit of Christ has been manifestly present, both with ministers and people ! " To thee, 0 Lord, as to a faithful Creator, I commit my soul. I know that thou art ' the faithful God, which keepeth covenant anu mercy with them that love thee, anu keep thy commandments. Thou art faithful, who hast called me to the fellowship of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord.' Thy faithfulness has saved me from temptation, and kept me from prevailing evil, and will 'preserve my whole spirit, and soul, and body, unto the coming of Christ.' It is ' in faithfulness thou hast affiicted me ;' and shall I not trust thee to save me ? 'It is thy faithful saying, that thy elect shall obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory; for if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him; ifwe suffer, we shall also reign with him.' To thee, 0 my Saviour, I commit my soul ; it is thine by redemption, thine by covenant; it is sealed by thy Spirit, and thou hast promised not to lose it. Thou wast ' made like unto thy brethren, that thou mightst be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for our sins. By thy blood we have boldness to enter into the holiest, by a new and living way consecrated for us.' · Cause me to ' draw near with a true h~art, in full assurance of faith.' Thy name is f&Ithful and trlJ.e, True and faithful are all thy