Baxter - HP BV4920 B38 1829

:x.vii tation which has Qeen put upon it, has wakened up our alarms, and set us to look at the delusion which it fosters, and, if possible, to drag out to the light of day, the fallacy which lies in it. We should like to reduce every man to the feeling of the alternative of repentance now, or repentance never. We should like to flash it upon your convictions, that, by putting the call away from you now, you put your eternity away from you. We should like to expose the whole amount of that accursed infatuation which lies in delay. W e, should like to' arouse every soul out of its lethargies, and · giving no quarter , to the plea of a little more sleep, and a little more slumber, we should like you to feel as if the whole of your future destiny hinged on the very first movement to which you turned yourselves. The work of repentance must have a beginning; and we should like you to know, that, if not begun to-day, the chance will be less of its being begun to-morrow. And if the greater chance hru:? failed, what hope can we build upon the smaller ?-and a chance too that is always getting smaller. Each day, as it revolves over the sinner's head, finds him a harder, and a more obstinate, and a more helplessly enslaved sinner, than before. It was this consideration which gave Richard Baxter such, earnestness and such urgency-in his" Call." He knew that the barrier in the way of the sinner's return, was strengthened by every ah of resistance to the call which urges it. That the refusal of this moment hardened the man against the next attack of a Gospel argument that is brought to bear upon him. That if he attempted you now, and he failed, when he came back upon you, he would firid himselfworking on a more obstinate and uncoii].plyiug subject than ever. And therefore it is, that he ever feels a-; if the present were his only opportunity. That he is now upon his vantage ground, and he gives every energy of his soul to the great point of making the most of i~. . He will put up with none of your evasiqns. He ~