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e<.l to the sinner, through the peace-speaking blood of .Jesus, and, in the name of a beseeching God, to win your acceptance of them. At no future period can we address arguments more powerful and more affecting than these. If these arguments do not prevail upon you, we know of none others by which a victory over the stubborn a~d uncomplying will can be accomplished, or by wh1ch we can ever hope to beat in that sullen front of resistance ·wherewith you now so impregnably withsfand us. We feel that, if any stout-hearted sinner shall rise from the perusal of these Treatises with an unawakened conscience, and give himself to an act of wilful disobedience, we feel a'3 if, in reference to him, we had made our last discharge, anJ it fell powerless as water spilt on the ground, that cannot be gathered up again. ~re would not cease to ply him with our arguments, and tell him, to the hour ofdeath, ofthe Lord God, merciful and gracious, who is not willing that any should perish, but that all should turn to him, and live. And ifin future life we should meet him at the eleventh hour of his dark m~d deceitful day-a hoary sinner, sinking under the decrepitude of age, and bending on the side of the grave that is open to receive himeven then we would testify the exceeding freeness of the grace of God, and implore his acceptance of it. But how could it be away from our minds that he is not one of the evening- labourers of the parable? We had met with him at former periods of his existence, and the offer we make him now we made him then, and he did what the labourers of the third, and sixth, and ninth hours of the parable did not do-he re;jected our call to hire him into' the vineyard; and this heartless recollection, if it did not take all our energy away from us, would leave us little else than the energy of despair. And therefore it is, that we speak to you now as if this was our last hold of you. \'Ve if on your present purpose hung all the preparatwns of your future life, and all the rewards 'Or all the horrors of your coming eternity. We will