PREFACE, S9 be with you in the morning, though - it hath many thousand and hnndred thousand miles to go in the night, so sure will Death be quickly with you: and then where is your sport and pleasure1 Then will you jest and brave it out1 Then will you jeer at them that warned you1 Then is it better to be a believing saint or a sensual worldling1 And then whose shall all these things be that you have gathered1 Luke xii. 19, 20, 21. Do you not observe that days and weeks are quickly gone, and nights and mornings come apace, and speedily succeed each other1 You sleep, but your damnation slumbereth not; you linger, but your judgment this long time lingereth not, to which you are reserved for punishment. 2 Pet. ii. 3, 4, 5, 8, 9. 0 that you were wise to understand this, and that you did consider your latter end! Deut. xxxii. 29. He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear the call of God in this day of his sa1vation. 0 careless sinners! that you did but know the love that you unthankfully neglect, and the preciousness of the blood of Christ which you despise! 0 that you did but know the riches of the gospel! 0 that you did but know, a little know, the certainty, and the glory, and blessedness of that everlasting life, which now you will not set your l1earts upon, nor be persuaded first and diligently to seek. Heb. xi. 6, and xii. 28; and Matt. vi. 13. Did you but know the endless life with God which you now neglect, how quickly would you cast away your sin, how quickly would you change your mind and life, your course and company, and turn the streams of your affections, and lay your care another way1 How resolutely would you scorn to yield to such temptations as now deceive you and carry you away'! How zealously would you bestir yourselves for that most blessed life1 How earnest would you be with God in prayer'! How diligent in hearing and learning, and inquiring'! How serious in meditating on the laws of God'! Ps. i. 2. How fearful of sinning in thought, word, and deed'! and how careful to please God and grow in holiness1 0 what a changed people you would be! And why should not the certain word of GoJ be believed by you, and prevail with. you, which openeth to you these glorious and eternal things'! Yea, let me tell you that even here on earth, you little know the difference between the life which you refuse, and the life which you choose'! 'The sanctified are conversing with God, when you dare scarce think of him, and when you are conversing with but earth and flesh. Their comersation is in heaven, when you are utter strangers to it, and your belly is your God, and you are minding earthly things. Phi!. iii. 18, 19, 20. They are seeking after the face of God,