A. CA.LL TO THE UNCONVERTED. EZEKIEL XXXIII. 11. Say unto them, .!ls I live, saith the Lm·d God, I have no pleasu1·e in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from hts way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways;fot· why will ye die, 0 house of Israel't IT hath been the astonishing wonder of many a man as well as me, to read in the holy Scriptures how few will be saved, and that the greatest part even of those that are called, will be everlastingly shut out of the kingdom of heaven, and be tormehted with the devils in eternal fire. Infidels believe not this when they read it, and therefore they must feel it; those that do believe it, are forced to cry out with Paul, (Rom. xi. 13,) " 0 the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!" But nature itself doth teach us all to lay the blame of evil works upon the doers; and therefore when we see any heinous thing done, a principle of justice doth provoke us to inquire after him that did it, that the evil of the work may return the evil of shame upon the author. If we sa>v a man killed and cut in pieces by the way we would presently ask, Oh! who did this cruel 5