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68 A CALL TO nor rejoice without him, nor think, nor speak1 no:r live without him. Heaven itself, that before was: looked upon but as a tolerable reserve, ·which he hoped might serve his turn better than hell, when he could not stay any longer in the world, is now taken for his home, the place of his only hope and rest, where he shall see, and love, and praise that God that hath his heart already. Hell, that did seem before but as a bugbear to frighten men from sin, doth now appear to be a real misery, that is not to be ventured on, nor jested with. The works of holiness, of which before he was weary, and thought to be more than needful, are now both his recreation, and his business, and the trade that he lives upon. The Bible, which was before to him but almost as a common book, is now as the law of God; as a letter written to him, and subscribed with the name of the Eternal Majesty; it is the rule of his thoughts, and words, and deeds; the commands are binding, the threats are dreadful, and the promises of it speak life to his soul. The godly, that seemed to him but like other men, are now the most excellent and happy on earth. And the wicked that were his playfellows, are now his grief; and he that could laugh at their sins, is readier now to weep for their sin and misery:-Psalm xvi. 3. xv. 4. Phil. iii. 18. " But to the saints that are in the earth, and to the excellent, in whom is all my delight." "In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honoureth them that fear the Lord: he that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not." "For many walk, ofwhom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ." In short, he bath a new end in his thoughts, and a new way in his endeavours, and therefore his heart and life are new. Before, his car- ' nal self was his end, and his pleasure and worldly profits and credit were his way; and now God and everlasting glory are his end, and Christ, and the Spirit, and word, and ordinances. Holiness to God, and