Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

andDecrees of Cod, &c. of Events. a, His millas Governour ( Morally) And that is his Mo- rally Reeling mill. 3. His will ut Amur it Fini3 And that is his Beneficent and felicitating will. And among, thefe it is his Regent will which I am treatingof. And thoughhis Lam as making pas, be the firft and chief part, yet his pudgement as it decidetb, and his Execution as it giveth every Man hgRight and Dane, is included. 33.8. It is not Gods will without the fign (as is faid) nor the fìn without his will, but the fign as notifying, and his will sis notified that is a Law, and :itc theEffeft : Gods will is the principal caufe, and quai .AnimaLegg ; andthefgn is the inftrumental caufe, andTuft' Corpus. 339. The Sign reipt leth thefe things, r. The matter dae. a. The duenef or right. 3. The will of God concerning or confitstting it. 4. The mindandwill of man towhom this isj nled. Or, r . Gods will as theEfficient ofRight. r. Thematter andformof Right as Confituted. 3. Themindand willofman as the terminus. 340. Thefe figes of Godswill are, t. Natural, called the Law of Na- ture; which is the NaturaFr ordo reruns, efpecially jus bominis as before defcribed., a. By extraordinary Revelation. The latter.have the great advantage of plainnefs, fgnificandi rem praceptam.. The former hash the fuller evidenceof its Authorand Original that it is indeed of God. Both are his Laws to man. 341. Law, Judgement andexecution ( the three parts of Government ) differ in that, r. Lawmaketh the Debitam or Jas; a. Judgement determi- neth of it by deciftve application ; 3. Execution diftribteteth according to it. 342. The fus vel Debitum, infiitatedby the Law, is twofold. i. Subditoo : What fha11 be Duefrom the Subjeéts : the Debitum Qfrcü. a. subditg: what shall be Due to the Subjects: viz. T. Antecedently to their merits ( which is I. The adof our Governing Benefactor. 2. Or a Divider : fuch was the Law for dividing the . i ìaelites inheritances. ) 2. confequently ; which is,by the Retributive part of the Law (com- monly called the Sanction,) which is j. By the Premiarapart, what Re- ward (hall be due : a. By the Penal, what Punifhment. 343. Accordingly Laws have feveral parts': a. Precept and Prohibi- tion, making Duty : 2. Retributive, I. Premirint, a. Penal called Gods Promifes and Threats : 3. And fubfervient or accidental ; i. Narra- tives Hhorical, chronological, &c. 2. Pure Donations: 3. Prophef:es; 4. DoCtrinal, 5, Exhortatory, 6. Reprehenfive, &c. 344 Though Debitum vel lusfacere, be the formal operation of a Law; (which is to be FundamentumRelations) yet the AC ofthe chief parts ( preceptive or penal) is commonly called Obligation: And fomany fay that obligareau: ad abedientiam ant ad punam is all the action of a Law. But Obligare is a Metaphor, and therefore in difputeto be laidby, or to give place to the proper terms t And the Prentiant ad is not pro- perly called obligation; nor the penal a&, fave in a fecondary notion, as he is oblgatus adpeenam ferendam, ifjudged, whois firft Reus puna, Or to whóm it is made Due by the Law. 345. The obligation ant ad obedientiam ant adpunira is not of equa= lity in the disjunCive. As if God wereindifferentwhich we chofe : But it is primarily ad obedientiam. and but fubferviently ad Annam as a means againft future di(obedience, and a fecuring theends of Government, in cafe of fin. 346. But the Preceptive and the Premiant parts, are each chiefor final in feveral refpeéts : God commandeth us a Courfe of Duty or Right arion 53 It is of great nee fòr a Divine who handleth Gods Laws to underhand the natureof Laws Inge. nere (as Suarerinpræ{.de Legib, theweth ; which Book is one of the befl on that Subjett that is extant among us.)