54 Of the ,N4ture, knowledge, Will ,Ilion to this end, that we may be Happy in his Love. And heprom ;- feth us firlt, and giveth us after in foretafte, this Happineff, to draw us to Duty. 347. But here is a wonderful infeparable twirl ; and in the main an Identity. God Ruleth us as a Father, or Regent Benefactor : All his Benefits are Free gifts, as to the Thing and value; But given s. In an order. a. And the ref/ as means to the ultimate. In which refpeéts they are a Reward, or means to ir. His very Law is a Gift and agreat Benefit. Duty is themeans to keep his fief} Gifts and to receive more. Thevery,doing of the duty is a receivingof the Reward ; the objell of dray being felicitating. (,As iffeafting or accepting offered wealth or ho- nour were our work.) . Holine/ is happinefs, ina great part. And in our End or ¡late of perfeçáionall will be one : To Love God, Rejoice in Hint and praife him, will be bothour duty and felicity, means and end, as it were, in one. 348. Whereas fome fay, that if there were ns Law, finwould deferve of all the following di- punifhment, it is an errour: For it is due only by Law. But its true rtinetions, note ,there words of Bonavent. in ' . that it's due by themeet Lawof Natures without any fuperadded Pofitive d.47. a. I. q. I. ram- LanS. tam 'Deb Antecedentent feu eondátáanalem, pofpbite . 349. Godsmill called Legiflátive,.or Governing is ever fulfilled inLida eft non impleri: atcon- fence, that is, So much as is Gods part and the Laws part to do; is ever fequentem er abfolotam ne- done : e.g. God faith [Perfect obedience, &c. (ball be Adams dray] quagnam. Secundum Da- y mafc. Vedanta beneplaéiti and it is done : It is his Duty, whether he will or not. He faith [To efb. dupl. Antecedes fell fleat(hall be fn] and it is fn. He faith [He that believeth(hall have queconditaonatis a'r eonfe- right to 7uflifzcation and Glory, and he that believeth not /hall be Filius r ,quavutt quanta in r eft omniom fatarem 3 b mortis, that is, Death . and Hell /hall be his Due ] and fo it is. Thus abfolata fiveconfegaens,qua ftridl all Gods Will is done. determinate volt alequid y good: novit tertitndinati- 350. But in the fecondaty remote fence every fin violateth the Will ter evenire. rntelligendram of God, by breaking his Law : For when he faith [Obedience fhall be e net votantatem thy duty we ufe to fay, is Godswill that we hgoldobe him? And fo o/fe fuperari out caffari ; i' 1' i o .Ìh y ...Wigwam tamer porenon when we do not obey him, we are faid to violiste his will. But this is impteri (at antece enteen) but méton micall For that which is Gods will indeed is but. that we Allow,' ut confequentem y impobile ere non impteri, pall be bound to obey (whether we do or not : ) And the event, whe- leea impedirb : Non then we (hall or not de faEto,is not at all determined by theLaw. etaam peJbile eft Votanta- rem Dea éaffara : Nam 35 t Thereforeif it were proved that God didDecree one thing, and ,407; elicitor aliaioid command the contrary, it would not prove two contrary wills in God;. dam privaie efieííu nor is there anygreat fhew of a contradiction in it. For to fay [ Ifor- proprio ad quern eft : Vo- Deltas autem nello prima- bid Judas to hang himfe f] and [ I decree that he /hail hang himfelf] 'on 'Pei" ad gaem eft are no contradretions ; It is but to fay, [It (ball behis Duty to pre[ervehis prep*. -Nara quad dua- tar quad Deus volt mines 'life ] and [Eventually he fball not preferve it.] All that is a mans bomineo fellow flea qua"- Duty doth not come to pafs : And to determine ofDuty, is not to fay, tam iafeeft,bæe votant ¿,all net I t come to a Otherwife Gods word were falfe whenever man . non sonnotat falutem; pail p proprie eft ad egeliamfa- finned. Nay in reality,;Angufline (truly) judged that by Gods Law Hell later : fed eonnotat ordooa 'VG Due to Paul unconverted, and yet then hewas a chofen Veffel, and tinnem naturæ, .fivé natu- ram ordinabileln ad falo- God Decreed to favehim. He thought that Perfeverancewas the Duty tem. unde alibi pGH ell of foie that after fell away, and that Heaven was their Due on conditi- dicere Deus volt Om fal- - vam fierigaantuminfe ell, on of perfeverance till they fell away, (though not prefently to be pof- geamneo placolt dare ifti fefìëd ;) and yes that God decreed that ipfo permittente eventuallythey, natrnnmperquampoffètper mould fallawayandperifh. .mire ad falutem , er good Dear prom. effet o- 35 u. If a King madea Law that no man /hall murder. another, and yet ' - ere, ita quad galas non knoweth that a certain Traytor that hath broken Prifon, is like to fall.. deficit proper -defebtom à p.ettoDei.] Therefore it into the hands of foie Thieves or Enemies that will kill him,.If he be eonnoteth allo an the fecretly willing that he be killedby them; itis no contradiction: TheLaw helps which God afford- maketh it their dot y.not to Kill But it faithact, they all notde even- eth men. ' But ta, by wayof Prognoftication. - d 5 3