Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

andDecrees ofGod, &c. 372. Z. They oft tell us , that Prefcience and Science, Predeffina- tion and Deflination arc all one in God, and not to be thought of as ads paff and ceafed. 373. 3. They oft tell us, that Cod is one, and his Will is hiinlelf, and his Decrees are his will, and therefore are all but one. 374. 4. They cannot deny but that all our conceptions ofGod are im- proper, and analogical or metaphorical more or lets ; and that what Know- ledge and Will in God is formally, no mortal knoweth. And lhould we di- fpute then audacioufly about this Order 375. 5. None can deny, but that there Myfferiés require the higheft reverence, and that its dreadful to take Gods Name in vain, and dally with the Confuming fire. And yet fhall we prefume r 376. 6. They all confefs that our Lord Jefus, his Prophets , Apo- flies , or Scriptures, lead them not this way, and decide not thefe Con- troverfies, fo as that they can fland to their decifion alone. 377. 7. They cannot deny, but that defìring arrogantly to be asGods in Knowledge, was our fief Parents fin , that ruined them and us , and that this was Satans fielt fuccefsful game. And that our difeafe is like to be loch as its original. 378. 8. Lathy, They cannot choofe but know, that it is the troubling of the Church with new Articles, and new praétices, and leading them from the fimplicity that is in Chriff, even as the Serpent beguiled Eve, (with the promife ofmore knowledge,) whichhathbeen thegreat plague and divider ofthe Churches in all Ages ; though the Apof le foretold them that It was this that he feared of them. And are we not felf-condemned, ifafter all this, we will cenfureand reproach one another,andfoment divifi- onsfor that which molt certainly no mortal undcrffandeth? S79. I. And firff your very foundation is uncertain, that God Bothpro- perly Intendere finem. Nay, it is certain that ( as Aquinas afore - cited faith) though volt hoc effe proper hoc, non tarnen proper hoc volt hoc. He prefcribeth Ends to Man, and fettethEnds to Means which are fires operis ; But that he Intended) an End Himfeif, muff be faid very improper- ly, or very uncertainly, or not at all. The truthis, that we mutt fay that God Both finem intendere, becaule we mull fpeak of him after the man- ner of men, or not at all. But it is not true in the fame fence as we fpeak it of man, and as the word properly fignifieth ; but equivocally. 380. For, r. To Intend anEnd, is to make that End a Cattle why we choofe the means (as moil fay :) But Gods Eledtion or AEtions have no Caufe. All deny that there is inGod caufe and Effeas ; or that proper hoc volt hoc. 381. 2. In man to Intend an End, doth imply that a man yet wanteth his end and that it is fomewhat that he needeth, or at leal doth not yet obtain. But God needeth nothing, and bath no end that is defired or wanting, nor but what he continually poffefleth or enjoyeth, as well now as hereafter. 382. 3. We know noInch thing as Intenderefinemwhere the Ail and the End are the fame. Intendere is not the fame with Finn. But in God they are the fame: He that is molt fimp!c bath no Intention, which is not Himfelf, and no Endwhich is not Himrelf, and fo both are one. 383. 4. Our Intendere finem is not the lame really with Eleclio medi- cram. But God bath no Intention but what is really the fame with Eleeli- on, thoughnot denominatively, connotatively and relatively. 384. 5.Divines ufssaby !ay, that Nothing below God himfelf can be his End. But where there is no means, there is no End or intention of it But Prode5lnatio Del eft ip[a Dei effentia qe, eft stet. [aria. Alliac. Camer. in 1. y. 12. D. See in RuiCdoVol. Dei, fp. 24. how dtey are confounded about the ordering ofGodsdecrees as to the order of In- tention and Execution c His Solution fi:ppofeth that names oljeFi Volitio eft ratio determinan ad aiionae votitionere: when as ex parte Oei there is but One Volition, and that hath no caute, and the Ratio is a deceiving ambiguous word. Yafgbeq faith, that Gods own Goodnefs is not a final Caute of ltis Voliti- on ç fitppofing that ono- vere ad Eleaioaem medii is final Cauftlity. Ruii aferteth the contrary taking final Caufality to be fidt e/fe primed, obje- (lom : And thus men ftrive about artificial no- tions. vá[q. t. d.82. e.1: Rtrit de Yol.Dei, d., s. §.1. p.159. But that nothing is the Ratio Volendi but his own Geodnefs , Ike Albert. t. p. tr. 20. q. 19. n. 1. a. 1. Alex. 1. p. q. 33.m.3. Henric. quodl44. q. a9.Gabr.r.d. t4.q. I. a. 2. Drieel deconcord.p.,. c. 3. Vafq. difp. 82. scotaW 1. d.94. Molin.l.q.1 g.a.5.