I Cor. 3. I, 2, 3, 4. I could not (peak to you as unto fpiritual) but as unto carnal, as to babes in CIsrift For whereas there is among you envying, and(rife, and divifions, are ye not carnal and walk as men? See Epb. 4. r, Gc. after. John 17.20., 2 r, 22, 23. Ipray for them which [ball believeon me- -that they all may be one, as thou Father artin me, and IinThee, that they alfo may be One in us that the world may believe that thou haft feue me. And the glory which thougaveft me I have given them, that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one ; and that the world may know that thou haft fent me, andhaft loved then as thou haft loved me. - Match. 5.9. Bleffed are the Peace-makers, for they (ball be called the children ofGod. Rom. 12.18. Ifit be pogible, as much as in you lyeth, live peaceably with all men, 2 Cor. 12.20, z e. I fear left when I come I [hall not find you fuck as I would left there be debates; envying:, wraths, ftrifes, back- biting:, whifperings, fwellzoogs, tumults Left God will humble me among you, and I_hall bewail many, &c. Gal. 5. 19, 2o. The works of the flefh are manifefthatred, vari ante, emulations, wrath, [trite, [editions, herefe:, envyings i Gor. 14.33. God is not theAuthor of confufion, but of Peace, as in all churches of the Saints. Ails zo. 3o. ofyour own felves ¡hall men arife, [peaking perverfe things to draw away difciples after them. Phil. r. 15,16. Some indeed preach ChrJ even of envy andffrife, and fime alfo ofgood will: The one preach Chrift of contention, notfin-, rerely Room. 16.17, 18. Now I befeech you brethren , Mark them which caufe divifions and ofnces contrary to the dotrinewhich you have learn- ed, and avoid them: For they that are fuck, ferve not our Lord efus Chrift, but their own bellies: and by good words andfair fpeeches, de- ceive the hearts of the (ample. Luke 9.55. Te know not what manner of spirit ye are of -- The Angelical Gofpel of the Ends of Chrifts Incarnation, Luke 2. r9: GLORY TO GOD, IN THE HIGHEST : ON EARTH PEACE, GOOD te"ILL TO MEN (or WELL-PLEASEDNESS IN MEN.) John zo. 26. Peace be unto you. Grace, Mercy and Peace) with all that are inchrf ---andLove Gal. 6. 16. Eph. 6.23. i Pet. 1.2. &5.r4. z Pet. i.í. rTheft:5. r3. a Cor. 13. I I. Finally, brethren, farewell: be perfect, be ofgood com- fort, be _of one mind: Live in Peace ; and the God ofLove and Peace Oa be with you. Amen. i. Affert. He BAPTISMAL COVENANT expounded in the ancient CREED is the frown and Symbol of chritianity, by which Believers were to be diftinguifhed from unbe- lievers, and the outward Profelfion of it was mensTitle toChurch-com- munion, and the Heart- content was their Title-condition of Pardon and Salvation; And to chefe ends it was made by Chrift himfelf. Matth. z8; 19, 2o, Mark I6í 16; 2; Ail