Ofthe .'('ature, Knooledge, Will 420. 10. To ComeNations of the Earth this fecond Edition of the Covenant of Grace, ( that is, the Gofpel) is freely promulgate or Preach- ed, who deferved it no morethan others, while others for fin are left un- der the firft darker Edition, and under defertions and grievous punifh- rents, for their fore-fathers and theirown violationof it: 425. I r. Where theGofpel cometh amongmany that all deferve re- jection forthe refillingof grace, God giveth to force that grace which in- falliblyConverteth them, and confequently juftifieth, adopteth and fate ii fieth them. All whichhe decreed. 422. r 2. Givingalto Perfeveranceas aforefaid, he finally juftifiethall fuch in Judgement, andGlorifieth ( Chrift firft, and) them withChrift andconjunótlyat the final contamination. And heDecreed todoall this accordingly. 423. If the Decreeof God be called but One, for the Reafons before given, the Controverfie is then at an end: But if it mull be diftinguifhed and called Many Decrees or parts, it mutt be either from the Effecis or from thefuppo fèdobjedls. 424. 1. Iff from the Effeóls, therewill be no Controverfie about the Decrees but what is firft about the Effects themfelves. And molt ofthem now named are uncontroverted. 425. 2. And we cannot well denominate and diftinguifh the Decrees from any thing elfe but the Effeéls, ( even as we do his operations, as Creation, Redemption, be.) But the objects then are pall doubt filch as follow. 426. Viz. 1. The objet of the Decree of Creation as fuch (diftinc4 from the Effect) is Nothing : that is, There is noobject. 427. 2. The objet of the Decree of Legiflation is man confidered meerly in hisBeing and Naturals as fuchs 428. 3. The object of the Decree of the firft Judgement, was man newly fain. 429. 4, The object of the Decree of the giving of the Promife of Chrift, theNewCovenant in the firft Edition and pardon and grace by it was faln man firft judged. 430. 5. The objeót of theCommon grace of that Covenant from firft to lati, is fainjudged manbrought underthat Covenant of grace (at nor., ma sfflr i, jmdicii & beneficii.) 431.. 6. The object of the Special grace of God (at firft) viz. for ef- fectnal Converfion, tomen under that Covenant, was the fame as last mentioned, Man brought under the Covenantof grace; of whom r. Some were prepared anddifpofed by Common grace for Special. 2. And it's like Come not, but fuddenlyfurprized by mercy. 432* 7. The object ofAbrahams fpecial promife, ( betides the Com- monCovenatt ofgrace) was Abraham eminent in faith and feif-denying obedience to God: And afterwardhis Seed for his fake. 4.33. 8. The Objjeet of the actual gift of Chrift incarnate,and the per- feet Editionof the New Covenant by him, was the finful world that had tranfgreffedboth the Law of Innocency and the firft Edition of the Co- venant ofgrace, and theJews that hadbroken Mofes's Law. 434. 9 The object of the gift of the Gofpel as promulgate or pub- Merl is the fame, adding, the worldas now Redeemed by the Aflual fa- erifice,Merits and Refurreétionof Chrift incarnate. 435, so. The object of the Commoneft grace of the Gofpel Cove- nant, is Redeemed man brought under this Covenant as the Norma o(jtüi, judicii dT beneficiorum (quoadjus;) or, fubditi obli.ati. 436.