Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and Decrees of Cjcd, &c. 75 not to know the Thing: But to know the Power. ForPofiïhile is nihil. And as Ockam proveth, that Univerfale is gtoalitas mentis, and is nothing elfe,., norany where elfe exiflent, fo we maymuchmore clearly fay de Pof fihili that betides Potentia it is nothing but the Conceptus mentis what that Power can, do. 504. And if an Artificer get the Idea of a fabrick or frame which ne- ver was in the World, and kefolveto make fuch a real thing, that which is in his mind, is but.his own Thought or Imagination, and nothing elfe: And to call it Damn, velNävir Pofibilir, fignifieth nothing elfe, or it is dclufory. 5o5. Dolkot z. qu.a, lit. C. D. E. ad primum dicit [Dto plane quod afin res à pea nulluon elfe habuerunt äb nterno diftinc`lum ä Deo : Neque ele quidditativùm, peque ejé Potentiate, neque effe repro fentativum, fecundum quod diverfi , antiqutt us opinäti flint. ] .0~ugd pro- bat. Ad art. fecundum he faith, that the Creatures had no king in God frometernity, but improperly good men have fo fpoken, becaufe he knoweth them, and can produce them. And ad art.3.q. whether itbe true, that Roffit 'e. g. non ex ens, con- cipitur aut intelligitur ? he reciteth twelve arguments for the affirmative, and then reciteth the negative as the opinionofothers : And thoughhe fay not which tide he taketh, yet he confuteth the arguments for theaf- firmative, and bringeth nine arguments for the negative which he faith nothing againft. - Thornds opinion, of the queftion you may fee in, his Interpreters in d. 36. ci r. q. r 4. ar. g. Ruiz de Scient:d. 57. Valent. u. q.14. puna. 7. Tanner.`t. d. a. qe. 8. dub. 8, Gran. I. p. Cont. a. d. 5. Rluiz. tr.-2. d. 9. 506. Yet let it be Rill remembted that all this Contróverfie is not properly de re, but de modo loquendi; or of the extrinfick.denomination ofGods Will, and not his Will as in it felt, which is his Effence, and but One. But yet here denominations mutt be,carefully ufed. 5 07., And by the way, that you may underftand what I mean by deno= minations, from connotation and relationto the terminating,objec , note whatOckám faith in Quodlib. 5. q: i5. that Conceptus eft vol r. Abfolu- tus e. g. hominis, z. Connotativos, é, g. albi, . 3. Relatives, ut patrio C dferont in hoc: r. Conceptus abfolutes omnia fesa fignifcata fignificat æquo, primo, ,&uno modo, in reco 2 Nomen ConnotativuJm proprie fgnificat primo unum, Q aliud fecundarl'o, Qom' anum in reco G- alied in obliquo--3. Conceptus relatives maxime concretes habet om= nos predicias conditiones quai habet connotativos : feddifferent inhoc quod quandocunque conceptus connotativos vere predicator de aliquo, conveni- enter potefl fili addifuumabfolutum, in abiquo folion: quia nihil eft al- bum nifi fit album albedine: fed Relativo potefl addi cafes obliques qui non ell eus abfolutum ut fervi dominos Omnis Conceptus Relá- tsvus eftConnotatives; at non é Converfo. 5o8. If any fhall think that he hath any advantage againft what I have faid by Scotus his opinion, that Voluntatis objecuin noneft Bonum tantum, fed ee Ens ; ej- Volantes potefiVelle Mahon qua Mattem ; and that the Will bath other objefks, Prater finem er media, viz. Entia abfoluta not fo related in the apprehenfion, and confequently that there may be aNi- lition of Non Entia, and notonly as 1Lmla ; . And the likeof Ockam in 3. d. 13. qu. 13. ad dub. 3. Gabs. Gregor. de. Let him remember that the greater part of the Schoolmen are a ainft this opinion; Andthat the owners of it,affert not this confequenceof Divine Nolitions,commonly,but 2 fay,