to its proper ufe, (to be the Symbol offuch as in Love and communion we are to take for Chriffians) do fubvert the fumm of ChriflsGofpel and Law, and do worfe than they that add to, or alter the lelfer partsof the Word of God. 13. Therefore our further 4dditionalconféfons muff be only to other fubordinate ends; As I. To fatisfie other Churches that doubt ofourright underffanding thefaith : a. To be an enumeration of verities which Preachers (hall not have leave to preach ugainfl' ;though they fubfcribe them not. ) 14. Objed. Hereticks may profefs theBaptifmal Creed. anfw. r. And Hereticks may profefs any words that you can iiimpofe on them, taking them in their own fenfe. All the Councils are not large enough to keep out fubfcribing Hereticks. We mull not make new Symbols, Rules and Laws asoft as Knaves willfalfly profefs, orbreak theold ones : there being none that may not be falfly profeffed and "violated. a. Many fubfcribe to the whole Scriptures, that yet areHereticks. 3. Church Governours are for this, to cart out thofe or punish them, who preach,. teach and live contrary to the certain and fufficient Rule which they profefs. Judicatures are not to make newLaws, but to punish men for breaking Laws. Aheart-He- retick-only is noHeretick infore Lcclefiæ. He that teachethHere* malt be proved fo to do, and judged upon proof : which may be done without new additional Symbols, Rules' or Laws of faith. So that all thiscontra- diEts not the fufficiency of the BaptifmalCreed as the Symbol ofChrifti- an Love, Communion and Concord. I thought meet to add this more fully to what I faid in theEpiffle, to convince men of the true terms of Union, and of the heinous fin of all the forts of adding andcorrupting overdoers, that divide us. 7" I-1 E