Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

8o Ofthe..knture,kiowledge, Will i'Sì'adwald. 1. T. cot: to, 11. brings in (too profoundly like one of his mercy to others. And here thenon-mere, nondare, permitiere, be. ing loco materia volite, may after our mode be Paid to be Volíta feu de- creta, bona. But properly it is not the non entity, that is bamum or Yolitum, but the pofitive Law and yudgement, and the relatio debiti pre- na, and the ratiopeen in the privation, and the demonftrationof truth; }ultice, holinefs, Vic. therein. 5. But fistful privations, that is, /Mfrs/ Volitions, volitions, or -non-Va_ litions of the Creature, are not properly per fe or per accidens, propter fe vol propter aliad good or amiable, or wiled or decreedof God. And they that prove that God cannot be the Author of fin, becaufe he cannot be caufa deficieas, muff mean asmuch, or fpeak impertinently and deceit- fully. It is not impertinent which Judicious strangius faith, Lib. 3. c. r 3, p; 677, 678. If Scientia Media be an ufelefs conceit, how much more cum e.ztenditur ad ejufmodi infinities & vanigimaa connexiones rerun, difparatarum qua nunquam futura Punt? (He inftanceth in many, and addeth [De bac re Ariaga difp. to. r.d. 2I. fee .7. ---dicit,non fib videri in Deo effe fcientiam barons, quia talis fcirntia videtur plane ím- pertinens: Adquid enimnofceret Dens quid chimera' effetfaflura fiel.talt conditione . mpo bill, : &c.] De ipfe D. Twiffus de Scient, Med. p. 472. Si ?luresAngeles Deus oóndid ffet certe decrevefLet utetiam illo ngerent quid in GloriamDei ì Nec tamen decretum aliquod bujufmodi Deo deceit- ter tribui poto/i, &ce I know the cafe is not jolt the fame with that before us : but the reafon is the famefor both. But 1ä1l I profefs that If it benot an injurious imputing imperfeétion td God toaffrgn him pofitive Volitions of every negative, I ihal1 concurr with them that do, and extend Gods Volition as far as: ever the*eel and his perfeftionwill allow ; And fay of them as judicious Blank doth of Gods knowledge- (De Concord. lib. cumdecrer. r. n. 64.) [Saltem Ille minus periculofe errat :qui mat Deum foire ea quaforte fcibi/ea non fienté quam qui negat Deals foire qua revery felt, & qua intro Divingomnifcien- tie obje/um contlwentur. ] So, here; fo be it that God. be not feigned to will fin, I,contend the lets againft them that. lay He pofitively willeth In- finitenumerical-Nothings, and his own non-aéting. t of Thom.. Anglas his Yr- 3` go's ) that God is 'the Callaprima of every no- thing (nonefe) beeaufe he is loaf negations; As ifÑothingcoald be an cf- feti arid have a Cadfe: or as ifa negative concepti- on or propofition were 'not YOmething, viZ.. a Thought or a Word, as meli áf an affirmative: Suchworkmen makethe snarl with ,cords. Is t1 509. DEing afraid of wearying theReader I pals byother School-coax _ troverfics here, . and only propound to each mans Confcience, whether t. He that is the affirmer of unproved altsof 'God, 2. And that about his fecretunfearchable Volitions, 3. And of fuch ads as make the difficulties inextricableabout Gods being the Caule of fin, be not on She far unfafer fide, than hethat only faith; Qqe fupra nos nihil ad nos? If the be not certainlyfalfe, they are certainly unproved, and therefore nomo be here received. 51o. And I- fay here as Buridane faith about the forementioned nature of Liberty, Ethic. li. 3. qu. t, p. 152. Simpliciter ¿ firmiter credere volo quad Voluntaseateris omnibus eodem modo fe habentibuo, potefi in talus oppofitps Et ìiullus debet de via communi rece- dere propter rationes frbi infolubiles,fpecialiter in bas qua fidenti tanere pc ant aut mores : 2ui enim credit fe owns feire, 6. in nulla opinsä- nuni foeariins dceipi, fatuus eft. De felpata enim tibi fenfibiliter prafea- tata, formabientur tenting rations, vel gie.eßiones, de gnebus contraria fhpiento imi diacres opinabuntur : propter quod in quolibet harum dt- ccptus