Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

"4 Ofthe Nature,I ,iolxledge, Will And it is molt unfavourily done, to get into the Chair and magifterially fay. [Fieldus vir aliogui. doetus, in his controverfis . minime (e verfatuni effé pradit b Zumelem 4, non fatts intëldigit, graippenon fatìsgnu, rus controverflarum Arminianarum , &'.fcripfit deem aulant Arminiani plus quofaventem haberent. t] But how ealie is it for aman to overva- lue himfelf, and contemn another I highly value the piety in Mr.Ru- therfords Letters. Iam no fit arbiter ingeniorurn : But when I hear other men fay that oneFieldwas moreJudicious thanmanyRutherfords, I con. fefs by reading their feveral writings I fired no temptation to deny And why lhould Field and confequentlyDavenant, tlfher, Carlton, Mor- ton, Hall, the Synod of Doit, and I think the far greateft part of Pro. teftanas (I verily think fifty if not an hundred for one )- who areagainft yod, be made odious by the fuppòfition" of being not far enough from' 'Arminians, rather thanMa°tcovius,Tmiffeand Rutherford take it for adif- grace, to hold the fame opinions againit Gods Holinefs, which the Domi- nican Fryars hold, who have been the bloody Matters of the Inquifitiona and murdered fo many thoufand I?rottftants or waldenfes and Albi- gemfes ? And that which he faith of Fields Writing when the Court favoured Arminianifm, is notorioufly :falle,' and fuck infrnuations unworthy of fo good a man as the fpeaker. Fields Works were printed fingly before they were printedtogether inFolio. And his fifth Book was printed An- no 161o. and the words cited are in the thirdprinted before. And the Synod ofDort Was called An 1618. and fare 1619, all() And I{ing games was a zealous fuppreffòr of Arminianifm, and fens five or fix Di. wines thither to that end. ` And long after inKingClrarles his'dayes, Per, Heflin in the life of Archbifhop Laud will tell you, that the Arminian Bithops-then,were but.five, Neale, Laud, Buckeridge, sorbet andHorefom; to whom Learned Montague was after added : So that they durit not trait their Caufe with a Convocation. Field then (hall be amolt Judicious worthyDivine, when partiality hath Paid itsworft. 658. And what is his error t Why he faith that it's a contradütionto fay that God :eaufeth. the All (in all its fiate,) which is theMateriale peccati, and caufeth not theformale, which is infeparable. A foul er- ror indeed, to tell you that he that caufeth the fubjeItum, fundamentum, rationem fundandi & terminum caufeth the relation ; and that he that maketh ,an Der white andan African black caufeth the diffimilitude, and fo doth he that maketh the ftraight Rule and the crooked line, the forbiddingLaw, and the forbidden. a&ì. 659. , not that theneceffity requireth lush work, becaufe fuck Booksare inmens hands, I fhould think I had injuredthe Reader, bythis much: Formy work is not to confute Books , but to affert Cure recon- ciling truths. Otherwife the confutationof the reft of that Book ( for Gods willing and cáfingallforbidden acts in theirfullflak, and the ex- ifence of firs) is moft eafily anfwered. * Dated inDills. r. 7bem. de Yeduntat. bom. & lib. orb. pag. 119,2zo. ÿued Deus non fit caufa peccatti, though he fpeak caute- louflj' and as `in other mens names , yet con- dudeth plainly , that God is but theCalifs u- niverfalis of fin , and that man is the fpecify- ing determining caufe, even qua terminar ad fpeciem con- turfusdr alms ipfiu.,, five fotèmdeterminer earn for- malizer ad fpeciem , &c. 'Yet this is a high The- mill and defender of ab- folute grace. 1 Thus magifierially did good Dr.Tmiffe cenfure ,linos. and Violins (his Son-in-law) as men ein skilled inScholaftiek Di+ vinity., who were both anti excellentmen, and bit upon the reconciling truth,above moliin their age. ,yunius hisDifcourfe of predetermination is one ofthefirfi that ever I found that excellency in, andwith his Denison is molt worthy of great elieem. SECT;