124 Of the ..kature, lÇnowtedge, Will SECT. XXIII. Ltettling Principlesand conceffionsof theSynodof Dort, &c. 666. j Know not how to conclude this difcourfe more fuitably to my' ends, than by opening to the Reader who is fenfible of the Churches fin, mifery and danger by our contentions and divifions, how much theparties whom I endeavour to reconcile, are agreed in judgement about thefematters, and that in their ownwords. Remember ftill that it is not fome few that run further than the reft ( either Bpi fcopioos,,Curcellaau, &c. on one fide, or Maccovin.o, Rutherford or Dr. TwiJJe, or Alvarez and other Predeterminants on the other fide,)` whole particular opinions Ican not undertake to reconcile: But only the generalityof the Calvinifts who gono further than theSynod ofDort ( which is my tell of theparty ) and themoderate Arminians,autherans, and Jesuits ( in chele points ) on the other fide. And letnone reproach me for putting in the yefuites, for as I know that very few Calvinifts Ay near fo high for Predetermination: as theDominicans do fo I know that ( though Arminitts himfelf was .a Faber man, and Epifcapinms is cryed up by fome,as volkelous and other So- cinians are by others, asmofl clearly rational, yet ) there is none of them all that equal in accuratcnets of fearch and clearnefsof reafon, either many of the ancient Schoolmen, or Suarez, Riaiz, Prafgaez, 41hertinúr, and many other latterSchool Jefuits. 667. The firft thing that I will defire of the Readeris to penale thofe manyhealing concelfions contained in the writings,, efpeciallyireniconr, of many Learned Calvinifts already extant : Efpecially Davenants two difl'ertations, Dr. Sam, wards works ; the Judgements of Davenanr, MortonaHalt,to Dory about this: Bifbop Robert A6bots,and l ifhop cari- bons works oft on the by : Bifhop fJber. of Redemption, d c. Mr. Fenner of wilful Impenitency, and Hidden Manna, 74.Bergìus for Reconcil La- day. Grocii Syntag. Conrad. Bergii Praxis Can. 7unii Ireniconand of prede- term. Parai frenicon. Amyrald. Defenf. doa. caly. c Irenicon. Teftard. de net. & Grat. Ilotton. de taler. Thefts salmi,. but above all Le Blanks' Thefts, Yogi Thef. &Hiftor. Pelag. Mufcceli Loc. Common. And the ge- ral Irenicon, as all Durie's, HasPeacemaker and Pax terris, Burroughs Iren. Acontiiffratagem:. Satana (an excellent book) &c. 668. Next I will infers Tome words to thisend, in theSynodofDort. I. About thefirll Article (ofPredeftination) they open free eleftion, but mention no other Reprobation but Gods not-eledting, or paffing by, fume whom he found in fin, and in the mifery in quam fe feed culpâ praci- pitarunt, &c. and not givingthem effe&ual grace of Converfion, but leav- ing them in their fin, And canany doubt of thise or do any Jefuits or Arminiansdeny it r Where alto they declare that God is no caufe of mens fin, but them- felves And that the Children of the faithful areby Covenant fo holy, that their falvation who dye in infancy is not to be doubtedof : And that thofe that find not faxing grace in themfelves, but yet ufe the means, have no caufe tobe call down at the mentionofReprobation. 669. I I. About Chrilts death they fay, that His fatisfaëtion is of infinite value and price, abundantly fufficient to expiate the fins of all the world ; And that the promife is that whoever believeth (hall not perifh, which is to be preached to all And that many yet repent not, believe' Hoer