Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and Decrees of god, &c. and, copioufly laboureth to prove "that eleçliotì to glory is nbfolute with- "- out any forefeen condition in us; as well as that tograce : Thoughwith- ee out foinething in us, we have not a Right to glory: Even( faith he ) " as if a Phyficion were fure that by fuch- à Medicine he can cure a man, «and fo refolveth to give it him, the Mediciné is the Caufe that he CC is cured, but not that it was afcertained by the decree of the Phyficion "before.. 6$9. And c. I$. ad obj a. he proveth Gods certain foreknowledge herein, becaufe ["Though all have pro loco Ér tempore fufficient grace et to be converted if they will, yet indeedno man is converted, and nomad 4tperfevereth, but he that hath the fpecial gift ofRepentance, and Per, «feverance, which is not given to all, but to thole only for whom God "decreed it.] 689. And to them that fay, the. Elen can rèfufe grace, he anfwéreth that [`cThey can indeed ; but it's certain that they will not ; becaufe 'cGod will call themfoas he Teeth fo congruous, that they may not re- fufe hiscall : For thus true grate is refufed by, no hard heart, becaufe it "is given with apurpofe to And there is no danger left Go c hould wantskill or arguments, to perfwade any man towhat he pleafe. 69o. And indeedbefore de Gratin efficaci li.- r. cap. u2. hetells us, that -there are three opinions wherein the efficacy of grace confifteth : The firft is, that it is called effeétual only from the event, through mans con- lent : which he difproveth. The fccond, that itis only efficacious byne-. ceffitating phylical predetermination, which he thinks to be an error on the otherextream : And the thirdwhich he defendeth is [ that it is effi- cacious by Gods will that it fhall be fo, and by the Congruityor moral aptitude of inward and outward perfwafions and means which God ufeth, with a decree to turn thewill.] . And who cari fay that-God ` cannot do this ? or if hecan, that hedoth not ? Is here yet any room left for quar- relling andbitter cedfures in this point e 695. Lib. a. cap. 16. he maketh two ads of Reprobation the very t fame dear aim.oft all . the fuffrages in the Synod of port affign; and the fame doctrine that Dávehant, and,the Synod deliver. His firft ad of Reprobation is Negative, the fecondPofitive.; ['c r . Aranbabet v'oiizatä- P "tern eosfalvandi, 2. itabetVolantatem eos damnaasdi: ] And as to the «firft, [Nulla datur ejus caafa ex parte honiimon, float mph? p .cde- GOffinationis: Poflerioris caufa eft pravifio peciriti.] They are unmerci- ful r contenders that thismuch Reprobation will not fatisfie, 69i. He proveth as theCalvinifi`s do, [ u that it was-not fo much as "for original fin forefeen, that God is Paid to hate goo becaufe then " he would have hated facob alto : but it muft be referred to themeer will "of God, that onewas loved to falvation, and thé other fo hated as not "to be faxed-. ] Juft as the SynodofDort faith. 693, Francifc.àSanCta6lara, aliaiDelvenport, a Learned Siotifl in his Dens, Nat, Grate DWI;page 3. defcribing Predeftination out ofArigu- ffine, Arriba, Scotus, Suarez, &c. faith ["And with all thefeagreeth the ct defcription ofPredeflination Art. 17. of the Englifh Confeffton. ] 694: And probl. 2. of the Caufes of Predeftination he noteth that ["ewe mean not theCauses of Gods will, ex parte aCtas volendi, fed tx "parte volitorum, inquantumDens vultunion ofepropter aliad.] Andon that fuppofition how cafte is it to agree.t 695. But he addeth ["If you lead. rather fay as Suarez t. pa. z. de "pr.ed, e. a. that alto exparte aches divini ( there is aCaufe,) it molt S "b5 *Whenevensradtnardloi holdetly that Gods voli. ion of mans ad atone ( which Betlarmino' in- cludeth) is theeffettuai unrefiftible Grace gz arte Doi of2rantir: