landDecrees ofCjod, «git,; elci non potali permanere: quia pradeflinatus intelligitar 'expri; 'C ,ria Pinna. 7udas autem nun refurgit ; eo good' nonhabet relevantem i ' Dea : ideo reprobatur. ] Here you fee a Reprobation that is no At of Cod , but a non- aliing or is negative quoad aaaim and not only quoad objetïum. And he bei fore faith out of Scotus and with him [ ideo dico facet elicit Dollar Hefter; uód prim Deus videt merita pain repraburn ; licet pries non videat merita quameligat :] which is the commoneftDottrine of th'e Schoolmeti and otherPapifts, aswell as Auguftines. 701. So D'Orbellis in r,441. [Et dicunt uidamq'tied non eft cilia re do quareDens rim elegir, c° non ilium, nifiquia placet Eo enfia ipfo quadplacet, ideo rectum eft, propter Amman' ipftus Voluntatïs real- tudinem Sic dicit Scotus o quad licet non videatur aliqua ratio prædeftinationis á parte prodeftinati, aliquo modo prior predefiinatione Reprobátionis tamen eft aliqua ratio , propter quñm fcilicet ilia adio ter- minator ad hoc ohjecium6. non ad jihad a Cum Reprobare fit Ville Damnere, Reprobated baba ex parte objelii, rationem, fcïlicet peceatum finale prævifum Non videtur "totem dicendum ,conforiniter de Prede- ftinattone:6. Rq robatione 5 .Quin Bona Deo principaliter attriboaunturÿ Mala autena nobia. Quia tarnen .Apoftolus videtua totem hoc imperfcru- Labile relinquere, Rom.9. ()altitude, &c. ideo dicit Scotus quod eligatur, opino qua placet; Dam tamen fervetur Libertas Divina, abfque. injuftitia. .Floc ;Wens debet fieri abfqueeffertione' pertinaci: Rations namque particulares `, propter qual ex parte diverforum Divina infe- rumor.sudicie, font imperfcrutabiles.1 Butnote, that as to the firft part ofReprobation, nonvelle dare,g'ratiam; Scotus, Mayro, &c. hold it to be nothing, or no ad at all. 70z. Andwhat D'Orbellis next addethof Bonáventure fetteth as at no further odds. [Bony. dicit quid licet nonfit aliqua ratioCaufalir,feu me- ritoria,.prædeffinationis à parre prsdeftinati ; (quia 'fiquis puffer de con= digno mereri p -iiraarrí graham, tuneGratia non e f fet' Gratia) Poteft ta- rnen effe aliqua ratio congruitatis er condecentia pradeftinationis ; Non quantum'ad fagnificatnm quod eJt VolitloDivina; fed quantum ad Conno- tatum quod eft Gratia &Gloria. Potefi enim dici quod Deus p4edeftinat iftum proper pravifionem bonorum operum ut aliquo modo font á libero arbitrio: Licet enimGratiffcatio vel 5uf oflcetio fit principaliter á Divina Yoluntate, hoc tamen eft cum cooperation b praparatione liberi arbitrii; quia ut "log. 94,4 fait te fine te non jofüfrcabit te fine te; Uncle cum peccatorfatar quad in fe. efl, meretur de congruojuftificari, feu fecundurn quid, ex condecenria Divina liberalitatic.] But the true meaningof this is no more than Proteftairts commonly, hold, that God giuethfpecial Grace ufually to fuck onlyas are preparedfor, it by more common Grace; and f6 this preparation is quidpravifum its Gods decree, but no Caule of his All of Volition or decree. 703. And in the next words he granteth, thateventhis Preparation td Special grace, is not alwayes neceffary, [Deus tamen fine cliqueprapara- Lione & cooperation aliquos jultificar, tat pater de fanaificatis in utero,' de parvulis pals baptifmum ed cælurn evolantibus ; allii finebaptifmá decedentibus -- &c. ] 704. And though they oft fay that God would have all men faved quantum in re, they mean not, thatGod doth all to it that he can, but that he maketh all capable of falvation , and fo far helpeth them that the failing shall not be on his part. For fo Bonavent. Obi fupra in r.: d. 47. a. a. q. a. explaineth it , plainly adding, that here Gods S z will