Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

a Premonition. Devils had fufficient Grace, and God forfook them not till they forfäok An. t. This Taft I accept as true , and more than fome will grant. 2. The firft is above ourreach : only wecan fay, both that God giveth more Grace to fome than to others freely. 3. And yet he himfelf is &pleand immutable in caufing of various and mutable Effeéts. g. 29. M. S. ByChrills pave obedience imputed weare pardoned and juftified, andby his alive imputed wedeferve the Reward, and are under Godsapproving Will. An. I. By the merit of his habitual, aliveandpave, that is of his performing all his mediatorial Covenant with the Father, we are pardon- ed, and juftified, and adopted to eternal life, principally as a Reward to Chris? ( not to as as meriting by him) and fubordinately , according to Gofpel-Juftice or Order, as a Reward toBelievers for their Faith and obedience; by himwho will Rewardevery man according tohis Works, and will be glorified in his Saints, and admired in Believers, becaufe they believed, 2 The f. r. 6, to r 2. We are under Gods approving Will, prin- cipally as united to Chrift, reconciled, juftified, adopted ; and fubordi- nately as fanlified and obedient. For the Father loveth as, becaufe we have loved Chrift andbelieved, Joh. i 6.27. And it is life eternal to know the Father and the Son, Joh. 57. 3. And becaufe we do thole things that are pleating in his fight, what-ever we askwe receive, r Joh. 3. 22. g. 30. M. S. By drills imputedfuffCring we are but where we were : For the Law to have nothing againft as will not juflifie as , unlefs it have fomethingfor as. An. This great queftion needeth diftinûer handling: Adam's Law doth not juftifie us, but condemnus, nor Mofes's neither; nor any but the Lawof Grace. Your foundation is unfound. 2. The imputing of Ch ifl's suffering, is not Gods Language, but your own, and may be well or ill underftood. 3. If theLaw have nothing againft us, it hath no Sinof Omiffion againft us : Therefore not ouromiffion of Loveand Obedience. And then we are reputed fuch as had perfell Love and Obedience. q.. But indeed it is notfo. By the deeds of the Law no Flefh can be juftified : The Law ítí11 hath this againft us, that we have finned; which he that denieth is called a Lyar, i job. r. The Reatas Culpar in fe, orthe Reality of this, that we have finned, is impoffible to he done away. But the Reatas pane, c culpa ut ad pwnam is done away : But not by the Law, but by the Redeemer and new Covenant. The Lawdoth notfay, We are (inlef, or defervers of life : But theGofpel faith, We arepardoned, and adopted, andfanlified, through Chrilt'sper- felt meritorious Righteoufnefs. ss. 3 r. M. S. Elfe sin and Punifhment fhould be the caufe of life : for Sin is the caayre of suffering, and that of Pardon. An. This is the groffeft paffage in this Book; A palpable fallacy. Youmay as well fay that Lazarus's dying andbeingburied were the caufes of his reviving; becaufe antecedent evils fromwhich hewas revived : Orthat the Jews killing Chrift were the caufesof his Refurre&ion; Or that Peter's cuttingoff Malehas Ear was the caufe that Chrift cured him; Or that Peter's denying Chrift was the caufe that Chrift pardoned him: Sin defervethPunilhment; but Punifhment as fuchdeferveth not Pardon or Life: They in Hell deferve not Heaven. If God had threatened but a temporal Punifhment; Asayears ficknefs, &c. this hid not defer- ved the following impunity, or peace, but only interrupted peace, the Sindeferving this and nomore. AMalefator'sfcourging deferveth not his