Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

,o_if Pren2ofiition, his after peace. And Chrift's Suffering merited not our Pardon as re, puted ourfilering , nor meerly as fisffering ; For had we leered, we had not beenpardoned. But_the voluntary suffering of fo gloriousand.inno- cent a Perf i, to desison.?trate Juflice, deferved our: impunityand more; becaufe God would have it fo, and it was a means matt apt for this ex- cellent end, to fave loft man, and tovindicate and glorifie the wifdom, Truth and juftice of the Univerfal King, and to demonftrate the Good nefs and Love ofour great. Benefit-tor. . But fufferings as filch do merit nothing ; even drifts ownsufferings merit but as they are the fruits of obedience andvoluntary confrat, on the forefaid accounts; much lefs do the fufferings: of the Sinner merit : For he is fuppofed involuntary in them; and itis God the judge thatis the Author of them as fuck; 4.32. M. S. Elfe the.Lowfh.euld be laidby, and lifegiven without it. An. The root ofall your Error is, That God giveth us life by the Law of Innocency or Works, and that we are juftified by that Law; which is not trué. God laid none of it by ; but man by fin made the promiffory part ( which gave life on condition ofperfeaí obedience and Innocency) to be impoffible, ornull : It ceafed cejjánte capacitate fubdi- torum , by mans mutation, and not by Gods : But the preceptive part remaineth íh11, as far as it reacheth materially the ftate of Sinners. But than having made it impoffible to be juftified by the deeds of the Law, God made us a new Law orCovenant, according to which he judgeth Sinners, and by which he firft giveth Righteoufnefs, and then accordingto it fentenceth menas Righteous. 4.33. M. S. 7uftißcatibn of the Poilerity of Adam fhould have been the fame for jubilance asof Believers by'ChrJ. Adam's one Al fhould have confirmed all his Poferity inhim as a publick, Perfon : The Covenant of Works and, of Grace agree in jut ifying by imputed Righteoufnef : but one df a Head by Generation, the otherby adivine Perfon.] An. This is prefumptuous adding to Gods Word , in the very fill. fianceof the Covenants; yea and a flat contradi&ion of it t. What Scripture telleth us, That all Adam's Pofterity fhould have been con- firmed in immutable Holinefs, if he had obeyed ? 2." What Sèripture faith, That one All fhould have doné this ? 3. What Scripturefaith, That his Righteoufnefs fbould have been im- puted to all his Poflerity ? and they all accounted to have fulfilled the Law in him ? TheScripture tells us nothingof Gods purpofetomake fo fud- dais a changeof his Law, asif he made it butfor one man, yeafor one _al, and then would makeanother to Rule the World by ever after: TheLaw faid (in fenfe) [ obey perfeally and live ; sinand die]. Now if the Condition hadbeen performed by oneAll, or one man, for all the World that ever fhould come of him to the laft, and they all be born in the fixed poffeffion of the Reward, then the Law which giveth that Reward (till but 'conditionally hath no more place. As in Hell, God dothnot fay to thedamned, Obey and live, fo neither doth lie fay to them in immutable Glory, I give you immutable Glory if you will obey. Themeans ceafefo far as the end iseither attained, ordefperately loll.. He that faith, Run well, and you (hall have the prize : Fight well,, and you (hall be crowned ; Overcome, and willgive you a Kingdom; will not fay the fame to them, whenafter running, fighting, overcoming, they have received the Prize, the Crown, the Kingdom ; (though pofbly theymay have the continuanceon conditioü'ftill if that continuance was not alto promifed on the firft condition alone.) So that you feignGods Law to be incredibly mutable, if God faidby it to Adam, Obey in one All (er