Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

Premonition. obey thy felf) and thou and all thy Pofterity for that (hall have the Reward : For then he can never be fuppofed to fay the fame again td Adam, or to any man: And yet you think you ftand fo much for the immutability of thatLaw, as that we muff all be juftified by it to the end. Nay it feemeththat afterone All ofObedience, all the World fhould have been under no Covenant any more; or no proiniffory conditional Law, but only fixed by neceftating Light and Love, as thole inGlory are : For when this conditionwas fully performed, this Law or Cove- nant as conditional mutt needs ceafe: And you imagine not, I fuppofe (at;leaft mention not ) any other conditional Covenant that fhould fucceed it. And necefíitation is not a Moral Law, fuited to fuch as you call caufe conflio in this life. Youwould make all the World after one att, to beif not lawlefs, yet comprehenfors and not Iliators; Profeffors of life eternal, and not feekers, in a life of trial. But I findnot but that all Adam's Pofterityfhould have been born and lived under the fame Law that he was made under : And all of them fhould Rill have heard, [ Obey and live, or Sin anddie ]. And if.Adam had obeyed till his tranflation to Glory, or confirmation in the Re- ward, I find not inScripture any Promife that this fhould have been im- puted to his Pofterity, as the full performance ofthe Condition of their Life orconfirmed Happinefs : but that (till their own finningwould have beena poffible thing, and deathwould havebeen the wages of their Sin. You feem notto let Adam's Merits and imputed Righteoufnefs any higher than Chrift's. And I am too lure that the jultified Members of Chriftdofin, and mutt aft dailypardon; And whether or not they be confirmed againft total Apoftafie, I am fore few ifany of them are con-. firmed againft the poffibility, or exiftence, or futurity of Sin, And, if you fay that Adam's Pofterity, though confirmed, fhould have finned too, but fhould have been pardoned as we are ; It wouldbeanother prefumptuous addition and contradi lion of Scripture, toaffert Pardon without a saviour andapardoning Covenant. 3. Adam's Obedience would have juftified his next iffxe from this falfe Accufation, [You are born of a.finful Parent, or not of a righteous Parent]. But it would have juftified no managainft this Accufation,. [You are perfonally a Sinner, or have notperfonally loved God .and obeyed bim]. Therefore it wouldhave juftified any man againft this Charge; [You are to be condemnedfor Adam's fin]. But it would have juftified no man againft thefe Charges, [ You are to be condemned foryour own perfonal Sin ; or, you have no right to Gloryby Gods Promife to theadult, which maketh their perfonal Obedience thecondition]. 4. And (though I cannot again here have time todeal withCon- founders, who think that Imputation or juflifcation are words which have but onefenfe,) I mull faythat even fo, Chi-ill's Righteoufnefs is not fo imputed to anyman, as to be to him inRead of his perfonal Obedience to the Lawor Covenant of Grace whichhe is under : But it will juftifie any Believer from thefe Accufations, [You muff be raft into Hell for breaking the Lamof Innocency, or you muß. be put out of Heaven, becaufeyou de- fervedit not by perfeil obedience; or you have no perfeíl orfuficient Sa- viour oryou are fuch as Godcannot pardon without wrong to his Truth; Wifdom or jusiice..] It will ju(tifie no man from anyof thefe Charges [You aresinners : you deferve condemnation by the fill Lam : you are Int.; penitent, or Vnbelievers, or Hypocrites; or have not performed the condi- tions