Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

1[ g (a Premonition. tions of life in the Law of Grace. ] The two firft We muff confefs, and not juftifie our felves by a denial : And againft the laft we muff be juftified by our ownRepentance, Faithand fincereObedience: He that will fay to theAccufer, that ehargeth him with final Infidelity, Impeni- tencyor Vnholinefs;'Iamjuftified by the Imputationof Chrift's Righte- oufnefs,' will but add to his fin. 5. There are all thefe differences between our Juftification according to the firft Law ( had we been capable of it ) and that which we now ' have . i. One would have been by God asCreator and Legiflator to the Innocent : The other by Chrift as Redeemer and Legiflator to the finful World. 2. Onewould havebeen forperfonal, perfeJ, perfevering obedience: The other for ChrJl's Merits , as purchafing a free Pardon &Grace to penitent Believers,and upon ourown Faith and Repentance,as theConditionsof thenew Covenant. 3. One would have been with- outpardon ; and the other chiefly or much by pardon : In one, if our Publick Root had perfe&Iyobeyed, we mutt alto have perfe&ly obeyed, or die. In the other , becaufe our Publick Root did perfectly obey, Faith and f nceere Obedience tothe end, is all that is required of us to our Glory. 4. In one the.perfonal matter ofworthinefs or merit, muff have been all that perfe&ion which Goti in juftice could require of man : In the other, it is only, The acceptance of a free Gift, according to its nature and ufe, and afterthe thankful ufe and improvement of it: with otherfacia differences. 4.34 M. S. whatChr J didasfurety is imputed to us; but not his Sure- tìfhip; or being apublic/¿ Perfon. ] Anf This is true, if youunderftand Imputation in Scripturefenfe, or ,foundly, and not in theirfenfe who prefumptuoufly fay, That God re- putethus to have doneall by Chrift,' which he did for us in his Obedi- enceto theLaw. 4.35 M.S. Chrift didnot all thathe did as Surety; but only that which anfwered theLaw.) An. I fuppofe youmean, that which the Law requireth of us : But the word [Surety] is ambiguous, and-after here explained, and whether yòuunderftood it fano fenfa I know not. He did all that hedid asthe Mediatorand Sponfor, fox mans Redemption : And we arepardoned and juftified by the merit of all his own Covenant-keeping with the Father; evenof fuch..adsas the Law required not of us : And force which the Law required of many, he did not, becaufe it required them not of him: . 4.36. M. S. The Lamfaid not, That chili mull be 'a holy Husband or Father, &c. The Imputation ofone Aif of Chrifi's obedience isfugicient (toour Jutfification and Merit of life) though it need not be curioufly fat in this 'or that part of his life.) 4. Still more prefumption ; s. Where faiththe Scripture fo ? 2. You muft notafl'ert abfurdities or prefumptions, and then think to put off the dete&ionof them, by calling it curious ? If this be true, doubtlefs it was ChriftsLint/ ad ofObedience whichmeritedGlory for us. And fo it is that firft only that mull be imputed to us, to thatend. And who ever - thought fobefore you ? TheFryars have force of them faid, That minimaguttula fanguinis Chrilli, One drop of his blood etas enough to re deemall théWorld : And our Divines fay, Why thenwas the reff flied ? So I afit. you, r. Why did Chrift doall the reft of his Obedience after the firft Aft ? Hathnone of it the fameend and ufe ? 2. How thall we bePure that aSinnermuft not plead or truft toany of Chrift's Righteouf nefs,