Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

Tremotiòn. pets., but the firft a& for his yuftification and Reward ? or mutt he truft for it to that whichwas never by Chrift intended for it ? 3. This is contrary to the Scripture, which layeth our Juftificationon his whole Righteoufnef as meritorious, and on his obedience to the Death, and on his riling again, and on other parts firft, Rom. 4, 24.6 5. throughout &c. 4. Sure they that arefo curious, as to tell us which phyfical ad of Faith juftífieth (in fpecie &msmero) ( for fome fay only the firft inftantaneous a& doth juftifie, ) will not think it curiofity to enquire which one AUof Chrifts Obedience juttifieth us ? when according to your Doctrine, it is evident that it mutt be the firft : And they that fay, It is Juttífication bji Works, to be jutkified by any ad of Faith in fpecie, befides the recumbency on his Righteoufnefs to be imputed to ua, or by any numero betides the firfi, will likely fay that it is Juftification by another Righteoufnefs than that which the Scripture faith is imputed to us, to be juftified by the Imputation ofany but the firft AdofChrift's Obedience. Or elfe that ( ifall be imputed ) we have a redundancy of Righte- oufnefs, and deferve many Heavens, or one oftener than needs. But when men have received fome unfound Principles, all things mutt be forced to comply with them. 4. 37. M. S. Towards the end, theM. S. fummeth up my A(rtions, and fetteth down fome as contrary to them. In reckoning up mine, he theweth candor and ingenuity, and a goodmemory, having not the Book at hand : But I mutt advertife his Readers, t. That he taketh all from my Aphorifms, the firft Book I wrote, in my youth, when my, Conceptions of thefe things were let digefted ; wherefore I have above twentyyears ago retracted that Book, till I had leifure to cor- red it, and have fine more fully opened my judgment in my Confef ton , and in my Difput. pf Juftification and other Writings, and molt fully in my Methodus Theologieunpublithed. 2. That he over -looketh my affertingour Adoption to be bythe Merits of Chrift's ActiveObe- dience, yeaand our Juftification too, as well as by his Paffive. 3. That recitingmy words, that it is by Gods Will in the form of his Donation or Covenant that Faith bath that ufe to Juftification which is near k, via. the formal Reafon of a Condition, he leavèth out my other affer- tion, that Faiths material difpofition or aptitude to thisfarm or office, is the very nature of it, as fitted to that ufe about its Obje&, Chrift, which Godsdefign andour cafe required. His Atferrionsasagainft me areasfolloweth. 4.28. M. S, s. There is no way to Life but by Doing It is not enough that the Law be not difhonoured, but it mu, fl beglorified. An. Doing is a word ofdoubtful fenf : It's one thing to Do all that theLawof Innocency required ; and another thing todo all that the Law of Grace maketh neceffary to life: It's one thing to Do all our felves, and another thing for a Mediator to merit Pardon and Life (to be given conditionally by a new Covenant) by Doing all in kind (' and much more than all that we fhould have done) for us (though not in ourperfons). Theway toLifenow hath many parts, a. Chrift's perfect, habitual, aftiveand paffive Righteoufnefs, ( fulfilling the Law ofInnocency, and the LawofMofes, and the peculiar Lawof the Me- diator,) tomerit Pardon, spirit, Adoption andGlory to be given by the New Covenant on ïts terms. 2. ThePaid New Covenant as the clonal jive Inftrument and Law of Life, and Pardon, and Adoption by it. 3. Our doing or performing the Conditionsof the New Covenant by Grace. But our perfonal Doingall according to the Law of Innocency D really