Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

@./f Premonition. the Law would juftifie him in tannin', for that time; He fulfilled all ,the Law for fo long : elfe he had finnedby Omiffion. 3. Butthat Law giving life eternal only to Obedience to the end of his time of trial, he merited not that life by initial Obedience, This was initial imperfect Righteoufnefs, wanting perfeverance 5 but not a medium between Yufh and Vnjuft, except as juft fignifieth the merit of Life by perfevering Ììighteoufnefs to the lag : And fo I never deniedbut in adifobliged sub- jeet there is amedium : (?dam was not bound to do a years work the firft hour 5 and fo was neither juft nor privatively unjuft as to the future years work : but as to what he was prefently 'obligeet-to, he was either Righteous or a Sinner. Here you come (hort of neceffary accuratenefs. Per(everance is a part of our Condition of Glorification: Yet he that is not dead is juft, ifhe be a Believer and obedient : And if God now call him by death, he (hall be glorified : But he bath not nowdone all that is to be done till his death, if he live longer : So that his Right to the prefentpoffeflion of Glory before death is notju(tifi- able, but his Right incafe he now die, is. 1.4r. M. S. Faith, credere cannot beput in exchange for fac hoc 7 and therefore juflified only as it relateth to him who bath filtered anddote forall that will receive him. An. r. Exchange is an ambiguousword : Here is noproper exchange: Faith is not a fulfilling of the Law of Innocency, nor fo reputed by God : Chri(t- did both fatisfie for our not- fulfilling ir, and alto by that and by fulfilling it himfelf (not in ourperfons, but his own) did merit the free Gift of Life tous to be ours, upon new Covenant terms, and Faith and Repentanceare the Conditionsof that New Covenant, and fo are that Dutywhich is laid on our (elves todo infteadof perfe& Obedi. ence, fuppofing ChrifFs Satisfa&ion and Merits, which are inftead ofit quoadpreeiumor principally, as our Paid a&sare infteadof itar to what is neceffary in our(elves : And the Apoftle who fo oft faith, Faith is im= puted to us for Righteoufnefs , cloth neither by Faith, mean Chrift, nor mean that Faith is imputed as a fulfilling the Lawof Works : But that having no fuch merit ofour own, (or Righteoufnefs) our believingin him that bath fatisfied and merited for us, is reckoned to us inftead of aRighteoufnefs or Merit, as beingall that now is neceffary to our yullifi- cation in our felves, (ourperfevering Obedience being afterward necef- fary to our Glory. ) 2. No doubt Faith relateth to Chrift, and here connoteth him as its Objeót : It were not Chriftian Faith elfe : But it is alto related to the New Covenant as itsCondition, and in that form hath its place to our Juftification, which cannot be denied : Therefore you untruly fay, [Only as relating to Chri.fl, ] and your words confuteyour felf : You fay, Who bathfufred anddone for all that will receive him.] You (peak ei- therof ficret Decree (and that giveth no Right) or of Covenant Do- nation : And to fay , He and his benefits are given in Covenant to all that will receive him,] is all oneas to fay, The Covenant giveth them on condition that we receive him]: which is true. 4.42. M. S. g. It is impoJble that the terms of theCoven:Ott of Grace can beany other than they are : becaufe nothing but receiving him can make himmine.] An. a. That proveth not that Faith is not the Condition, but that it needs muff be fo. 2. Iris impoJble, now the Covenant is fo made, viz. ex neceftote exillenthe t But that God could have made it no otherwifet is not a thing for man to fay. 3.. Confound not pafsive Reception with D 2 áliám 9