Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

The .`Preface. agree among thetnfelves ) to trouble the Church ofChrifl : In a word, Selffhne1, Ignorance andwant of Love, are the Caufes of mens perfonal ruine and damnation, and the fame are the Caufes of the Churches divi fons, and all the miferies of the World. I I. And that IG TAI O P,ANCB is a Common caufe even iri the GnoftickDogmats that cry down Ignorance, Error andHe- retie, needs no other proof, than the diverfity of Opinions Which fuch contend for : Every fide pretend, that it is 0 THODOXNESS, F4ITH or the Great Truths of God, which they defend ; And in one Countrey or with one Party, one thing is Ortlodoxnefi and the Truth, and ano- ther thing in another Countreyor Party, and another thing with a third, drc. And did they all but know what is Truth and the Will ofGod indeed, they would ceafe their Conten- tions; and all the Sects would meet inUnity. I l I. And did men but L0 VE their neighbours as them, felves, andwere as perfwaded to think well of, and deal gently with their neighbours as themfelves, and as hardly drawn to condemn, hate, butt or injure them, I need not tell you how eafrly, quickly and univerfällÿ we fhould be healed. But before I fpeak of the Inf?rumental Means, I will frillier open the three forementioned Caufes. I. Religious Clergie.TT ANNT hath fo notórioufly, fo long, and fogreatly made havòckboth ofPiety, andPeace, that he that is not anutter oranger to ChurchHiflory cannot be ignorant of it I need not tell any Learnedman, howma- ny even moderate Papifls, much more Proteftants have thought, that Conftantine and other Emperoursthat over-ex- alted the Clergie, pouredoutPoyfon into the Church : making great preferments a bait to invite all the worfl ofmen, tobe feekers and invaders of Church Offices andPower, and to corrupt thofe that otherovifewould have been ufeful men :. efpecially when (Chriflians having firfl made them their Arbitrators, in obedience to St. Pauls counfel) they weremade the Legal judges of the Caufes of all contentious Chriftians, and fo fet upSecular Magiftratical Courts. I need not tell themwhat work almoft every General Council (2s thofe ofone Em- pire were called) did make ! what work even the firfl at Nice had made, had not Connlantineburnt their Bills of accu- fation againfl each other, and perfonally lamented their di- 'ifions;anddriven them on topeace! what workwas made in that