Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

20 a. Premonition. atlive moral Reception : lxftiftcari is patvely to receiveyullifrcat ion ;and to be firft related toChrift as mine, or tobe one that he is givento, is pajfïvely to receive Chrift : Active moral receiving is the Wills contenting thus tohave him on all his ternis, and is the means of the other : It is this and not the other that is Faith : And couldnot God poffrbly have madeChrifl ours, by anyalterationof the terms : fure they that confine Faith to the receiving of Chrifts imputable Righteoufnefs, will grant that God could poffibly haveput one a& more'of Faith into theCondi- tion , or on a& of Gratitude, Defire , Love or Repentance ? And Dr. Twiffe thinks he could have given a man a Right toLife without Chrift'sSatisfa&ion, and to Chrift without Faith, and that fo hedoth to Infants. §.9.3. M. S. There is no Righteoufnefo in point of Juftification, but only in conformity to the Rule, Do this : that only brings aman under the ap. proving Willof God. An. I. But what is the Do this that youmean ? Adam's Law fáid, Do this and live : Mofes Law faid, Do this and live : The Law given to Chriftfaid, Do andfatter this, and I will give thee Power over all Flefh, to give eternal life to asmanyas Igive thee,and believe]. , The Lawof Chrift to Sinners faith, Do this and live : This is the workof God that ye believe, &c. But all thefe Doings are different, for all that'; It's an unknown Faith or Repentance which is noAEI or Duty. 2, Thereis no Rights. oufnefs but theconformity to the Rule of Righteoufnefs, if you fpeak onlyof thatRighteoufnefs which is of thatfpecies : But there is another fort. He that isjnflifiable is jufI fo far. If Satan fay, Thou art condem- nandus, tube damned to Hell, and Phut out of Heaven, for breaking the Lawof Works : I nauft deny it : not by Paying, I did not break it, but keep it by another, or I did not deferve damnation ; but by alledging, He that is pardoned, is not to fuffer anypain offenfe or lofs : I am par- doned by the New Covenant , through the Merit of the satisfaelion and perfebt Righteoufnefs of Chrift. Adam's Law will not juftifie you ; nor Mofes's Law neither : TheLaw requireth perfonal perfeld Obedience : It never Paid, [Thouor anotherfor thee(halt obey : ] It knowethno Surety : To give a Surety, and to accept his furetifhip, is the abt of the Law- Giver as above his Law, notfulfilling that Law, but fecuring the ends of Government ( and of it) by another way : To pardon a Sin and Penalty is not to fulfil theLaw that threatened it, but to difpenfe with it; which Juflice can do upon a valuable confideration, fecuring the ends of Government : And Veracity is not impeached by it. For o. The fenfe offilius mortis is, Death fhall be thy due; and fo it was. 2. And death was a&ually inflibledonman himfelf, though not all that whichhe deferved. If the Law of Innocency juftifie you, you need no Re- deemer, you need no Pardon, youneed no New Covenant to juftifie you, nor canit do it. 3. We are juftified byDoing, though not by our fulfilling the Law of Works, by our felves or another. We are juftified by two forts of Doing: Principally by the Merit of Chrifl's perfeét Righteoufnefs 5 and fubordinately by our fulfilling the Conditions of the Covenant of, Grace, ( whichBaptifmcelebrateth. ) 4. Gods, Will approveth of all that is good, fo far as it is good: It approveth faf habitual Holinefs in Adam, and would have done in his Infants had he Rood ; anddoth fo in all Chriftians now : And I will be- lieve that Chrift, beforehe actually obeyed, was under Gods approving, Will. But not as onethat had merited by Obedience : For God doth not Cup- `N.