Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

'Premonition. fuppofe any to do that which they do not, nor oblige them to do to-mor- rows work to-day. 4.44. M. S. The iffie in a word is, i. suffering for Sin is not doing, nor equivalent in point of jnfliftcation, 2. Nor can God, havingfatis- fatlion for what was done croft to his Law, lay aide that in order to the conveyingof Life, and fubflitntebelieving in,fiead of it. 'Therefore Faith juflifzeth ratione obje ti only. Now we [Do] in another, Chriji, in- fteadofdoing in our own perfons. An. I doubt this is another Gofpel than the Apoftles delivered us 5 though I hope that pra bcally we meet inone. r. Tothe firft I anfwer, It'strue ; but you do ill to intimate that we thinkotherwife. suffering by the Sinner never fatisfieth, becaufe it mutt be everlatting: Suffering by Chrift fatisfiethnot meetly as fffering, but as thevoluntaryMiringof God-Man, aptly glorifyingyisflice andLove, and fecuring the ends of Go- vernment. This satisfatäinn is nonequivalent to doing in Juftification : For Doing all required , would have juftified us againft this Charge, Thou art a Sinner, by ()minion and Comminion, and thouhaft deferved Death , and haft not deferved Life , according to the Law ofWorks.] Againft this Charge, I look for no Juftification, but confefs it is all true. But Chrift's satisfaNion juttifieth us againft this Charge , [God mull damn thee (by paine of lofs and fenfe) or eke he is notjolt, becaufe thole haft deferved it.] And Chrift's perfelt Righteonfnefi alfo juftifieth us againft this Charge, [God muIP damn thee and deny thee life, becaufe that didfi not merit it by perfelt Obedience]. The Juftifier.lays, No becaufeChrift's Merit in Doingand Suffering bathglorified the Lawand JufticeofGod intteadof myMerit, and hath procured us Pardon and Lifegiven by the New Covenant. 2. To the fecond I anfwer, r. God did not lay afide his first Cove- nant, but man byfin did lay it afide, by making theCondition impoffible. 2. Youoverturn the Gofpel toomuch, by thinking that the Law is not laid aideas aCovenant or Fromif , ( thoughI grant that thePrecept as a Rule of Lifecontinues :) To fay that the fenfe of Adam's Law was, [Thou or another (Chrift) for thee, Hiatt obey.] And thatwe are juf i- faedby that Law, is toconfound Law andGofpel, and makea Gofpel ofthat Law, and makethe Covenant of Works not to condemnus ; or bothto condemnand juftifie, and to feign man to liveand be judged by the Co- venantthat is ceafed. God faith now to noman living, [ Be innocent, andfo merit life, that thou maift live.] And God Bothnot repute no in- nocent at all. 3. To the third Ianfwer, It is notorioufly untrue, that Faith juftifieth only ratione objeiti, unlefs youmean that efficiently it juftifieth not at all, which is true. For we are juftified by it allo ratione fiederis, be- caufe that which is materially Faith in Chrift (a juftifying Saviour) and fo connoteth its Objectt as themeritorious Caufe of the freeGift and Par- don, is (by reafonof this aptitude) made the Condition of that New Covenant or Gift, which is its nearefi intereft or reafon of our being juftified by it. And it is the Lawof Graceby which we muff be judged and juftified. And at that Bar, the queftion which Life or Death de- pendeth on, will be (fuppofingChrift'sMerits) whether we are peni- tent Believers,or impenitent Vnbelievers,and fo have part inChrift or not And if Satan accufe us as being impenitent Vnbelievers, and thequeftion be whether we have true Faith or not? my Opinion is, that we cannot be herein juftifiedbypleading the Object, when the Ah is queftioned, and faying, That Chrift fulfilled that Law : unlefs you could prove that . he