Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

22 e}1 'Premonition. he jufifieth impenitent Infidels, and ( as Saltmarfh laid ) repented and believed for us. But the grandCafe remaineth, Whether weare jtrffified by the Law of Innocency by fulfilling it, and meriting in another, without any fort of doing of our own by. ourfelves? Mr. Wotton, Mr. Gataker, and abundance more, have long ago faid much toconfute your Error, befides Mr. Bradfhaw, whomyou name ; But I add, I. I have before proved that by the deedsor fentence of the Lawof Adamor Mofes, noman canbe jufified : r. He that hathfinned againft it cannot be juftified as not having finned : For fauns infeüum , fieri is impoffible toGod himfelf. 2. TheLaw that condemneth us Both not juftifie us. 3. What Paul , Rom. 3. Ó 4. frequently faith againft Juftification by theLawof Mofs will hold here afortiori : And Chrift keepingMofes Law ( as far ashe was capable of Obligation) that allo would elfe have been imputed , and fo we fhould have been juftified by that Law alto; which the Scripture copiouflydenieth. He that faith, He bath no fin, deceiveth himfelf, and is a lyar, and the truth is not in him. And the Law of Adam juftifieth no man that bath fin. II. We did not fulfil it and merit in Chrifi: But Chrift did in the Perlonof a Mediator, voluntarily undertaking it, onhis Fathers terms, and not as our Inftrument, or in our Perfons. I have elfe-where given abundance of Arguments againft that, which I mull not here repeat. This Author took notice of myObje lion, that he that is reputed per- fetlly Innocent and obedient, is uncapable of Pardon, and needeth no fatisfaûion, or remitting, or rewarding.Covenant, befides that which he kept, but anfwereth it not. This fubverteth the Gofpel and Reli- gion. Auer. If there be no Reward norLife butof Juflice, and no Reward but for Chrif's Merits, and all Believers equally merited in Chrift, as fulfilling all theLaw ; a. Whence cometh the inequality of Grace andGlory ? 2. How come any Believers tobe left longunder fins and weaknefsof Grace, and temporalpunilhments? III. The Merits of Chrift have procured us the New Covenant (fealed in Baptifm) by which we have a new Rule offiicii & judicii, ( for fuch is every Law) Chrift is not the only Subject of God: He made us not lawlefsor Rebels. God fill ruleth the Church by aLaw or Covenant : This is the Law or Covenant of Grace : Deny this Cove- nant, and you deny the Gofpel: This Covenant or Law obligeth us to Duty : And it promifeth and giveth Pardon and Life in and with Chrift : This Covenant hathConditions; various conditions of various Benefits; Our fir( true confent ( which Baptifm celebrateth) that is, our fieri believing and repenting is the conditionofour firf Union with Chrift, and our Pardon, and Adoption, and the Spirit. Our fincere Love and Obedience to the end, andover-coming, is the further con- dition of our final Jufification at Judgment, and our Glory. This Covenant we are now under, and by this we mull be finally judged, jufified, or condemned: No man (hall be faved, unlefs (if at age) he perfonally perform the conditions of this Covenant : And every one fhallbe faved that doth. Faith, Repentance, Love, toour Redeemer, Gratitude, Prayer, fincere Obedience, are all inch Doing, as by this Covenant are made the neceffary means of Glory : But not filch Doing as Paul oppofeth to the yews, as maketh the Reward not of Grace, but of Debt. The Author of this Law is jut: His fu ice will give to the performers of the Conditionall that he bath promifed. The