Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

a Premonition:. The Scriptureoft ufeth all thefe Titles; T. That of Reward, as being the fiate of the benefits retributed. 2. That of yuflice, as being the principle of Reward. 3. That of Works, as being the matter rewarded 5 even our perfonal Works wrought by Grace, and nòtonly thofe which Chrifi did. 4. That of' worthinefi or merit, asbeing the relationof the Work and Perfon to the Reward. 5. That of Righteoufnefs, as being the fiateof the Perfon performing thefeWorks, as pronounced by the New Covenant. If I prove not all thefe by exprefs Scripture, believe your newGofpel. I. It is Reward, Heb. a I.6. He that cometh to God, mu, fl believe that God is, and that he is theRewarder of them that diligently feek him. It's the fecond Article"ofFaith, Prov. 13.13. Mat. 6.4. Himfelf (hall Re- ward thee openly, and verf6. 18. Prov. 25.22. Mat. 16. 27. Then fhall he rewardeveryman according to his Works 5 even Chrifi whenhe cometh in Glory with his Angels : Ifyou fay, He meaneth his Works done by Chrifi, readMat. 25. and believeit if youcan. So Rev. 22. 12. 2 Yoh. 8. Heb. I t. 26. Col. 3. 24. Te (hall receive the Reward of the Inhe- ritance. Col. 2.18. a Cor. 9.17, t8. I Cor. 3. 8, 14. Luke 6.35. Mat. 5. 52, 46. 6` lo. 41, 42. Prov. it . 18. Pfal. 19. I I.ÓJ" 58.11. Heb. Io. 35- Ií. Gofpe!paternal 'uflice rewardeth men (fuppofing Chrifi's Merits ) 2 Tim. 4.8. A Crown ofRighteoufnef, which the Lord the righteous judge (hall give me, and not to me only, but toall them that love his appearing. Rom. 2.5. The righteous judgment of God, who fhall give to every man according to his Works. To them that bypatient continuance in well-doing, &c. 2 The f f . I. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, a t. Pfal. 67.4.6. 46. Io. ' Pf d. I I.7: Gen. t8. 23, 24,&c. Andmultitudes of other places, Heb. 6.'Io. God is not unrighteous to forget your work, and labour of love. i -Joh. I.9. If we confefs our fins, he is faithful and jufl to forgive our fins , &c. Ifa. 45 22. III. The thing rewarded is called Works done by man ( not legally jufiifiable, but evangelically) Mat. 16.27. Rev. 2.26. Rev. 14. 53. 6` 20. 12, 13. Pam. 2. 21, 24, 25, 26. Rev. 2. 2, 9, 13,-19. 6. 3. 1, 2, 8, 15. Heb. 6.10. Rev. 22. 12. I Cor. r5.lafl. And it's called Doing, 2 The. 3.73. and Gal.6.9. Rom. 2. 7. 2Cor.5.lo. Heb. to.36. Mat. 25. 21, 23. 6' 12. 50. 6.7. 22, 23. 6.6. I, 2. Luke 8. 21. doh. 13.17. Col. 3. 23, 24. Heb. 13.21. Rev. 22. 14. And keeping his Word or Cons mandments, 1 job. 3. 22. and t yob. 2.3. and yob.15. to. & 14, 15, 16. Dan. 9.4. Ecclef 12..13. Prov. 4.4. Exod. 20.6. Deut. 5. 29. Ezez. 58.21, &c. And obeying, Heb. 5. 9. He is the Author of eternal Salva- tion to all them that okey him. Acts 5.22. Rom. 6.16. obedience unto Righteoufnefs, &c. IV. The Relative aptitude of the Work for the Reward is calledWar- thinefs, or Merit, and the performer Worthy (evangelically not legally). And st primarily fignifieth that which preponderateth in theballance 5 but cannot note here any worth or merit by commutation, but that apti- tudewhich refulteth from thegoodnefs of theatlion asrelated to thePro- mif , Rev. 3.4. A few---which have not defiled their Garments, and they (hall walk with me in white , for they are worthy. 2 Theft. s. S, 6. The righteous judgmentof God, that ye maybe counted worthy of the Kingdom ofGod, forwhichyou fuffer. seeing it is a righteousthing withGod to re- compenfe-- toyou that are troubled, refi with ús- --. II. That God would count you worthy of this calling: Luke 20.35. They which be counted worthy to obtain thatWorld-, 21, 36. That ye may be accounted worthy to