Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

a. rnremonitiòn: to efcape- ---andRand before the son of Man. So Eph. 4. t. Col. 1. to. 1 Theff: 2. 12. Mat. 10. 37, 38. V. The title of Relation given to the Works and Perfons evangelically is Righteoufnefs, or joffice, 1 Joh. 3.7. He that dothRighteoufnefs is righ- teous. Matth. 25.46. The righteous into life eternal : 21. Well done good and faithful servant ; v. 35. For Divas hungred, andye, &c. Mat. 13.43. Mat. 10.41. Ezek. 18. 20, 24. & 33.12,13, 18. Rom.6. 16. el° 8. 10: 1 Cor. 15.2 t. Eph. 5. 9. 6,, 6. 14. 2 Tim. 4.8. Heb. 11.33. 2 Cor. 9. 9. And the godly are called Righteous, inrelation to their Hearts andDoing; near anhundred tires ( ifnot much more ) inScripture, though but in fubordinationto Chrift's meritorious Righteoufnefs, and but fecundnnt quid, and notfimpliciter. See theTexts further recited in myConfeffion ofFaith. And now he that ( confidering all this ) believes, 1. That Chrift is no King, 2. Or we noSubjefts, 3. Or that he bath no Law of Grace or Covenant which we are under, 4. Or that this Law, or Covenant, will not juftifie them that perform that Condition, ( from legal-execu- tive damnation , by giving them Pardon, and Right to Life, for the Merits of Chriff) : 5. And that Faith, Repentance, and perfevering holy Obedience , will not materially juftifie any man that hath them from the charge of having no part in Chrift, becaufe of Infidelity, Im- penitency, Unholinefsor Apoftacy ; 6. Or that he that performeth the Gofpel- Conditions fhall not be Judged rewardable, or evangelically worthyof thepromifed Reward ; 7. Or thatthe fame thing which as Good andaBenefit is aGift abfolutely free againft commutative Merit, is not yet quoad ordinem conferendi & recipiendi a true Reward. 8.And fo that we have no Reward for any Works but what Chrift did in his ownPerron. 9. And that the Judgment-Day will be to try whether Chrift didhispart or not and fo toJudge him, and not to try whether we havepart in him, and did our parts or not, by repenting, believing, loving, obeying and overcoming, and foto juflee us, primarily by his Meritsand Covenant, and fubordinately byour performance ofthe Con- ditions; And so. He-that believesthat infleadof all this, we our felves did by Chrifl as our legal Perfon both keep all the Law of Works from firft to ha, and merit Life, and alto fatisfie Gods Juftice for not keeping the Law, and foredeemour felves, or fuffer in Chrift for our own Sins, and purchafe Pardon and Salvation for our felves : I. Or that God ac- counteth us fo to have done, what we did not : 1 a. And fo that it is the Law of Works and Innocency by which weour felves are juftified 13. And thatfor meriting in Chrift weare fixedprefently in the immuta- bleflate ofeternal life, which is the Reward : 14. And that this is not a Reward to Chrifi only, but to us as Meriters in him; He that can believe all this, with abundance more of the Libertine new Gofpel-Do trine (commonly called Antinomian) which dependeth on it ; doth quite differ from my Faith, who believe that Chrifl tittered, fatisfied, fulfilled theLaw, and merited in the Perfon of a freeMediatoronly; fulfilling all his own mediatorial Law or Covenant, and receiving his Reward; and freely uponthere Merits, and his Power received, making a Deed of Gift of Himfelf and Life (Pardon, Adoption, Spirit and Glory) to all that trulycontent tohis Covenant, and overcoming do perfevere therein, and perform fincere Obedience to the laft: by which Law or Covenant he will judge men at latt, that is, will juttifie or condemn them : And thisfbort and plain Dottrineof Faith is it, which I am con - ftrained by the full and plain tettimony of theScriptures to embrace And