Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

(.4 Premonition. Among the scotillls , Rada well openeth this Cafe; and the wort} of them all (in 4. Sent. de Beatitud.) is far better than Dr. stern, the Dublin Phyfitian, in his Medela Anime, and toomany more novel immature Difputers, who would make our Happinefi the chiefefi end both of ourfeelves and God, meerly becaufe that Gott can have no addition of Felicity : A reafon vainly excluding fuch other refpeás , as men that write of fuch Subjeâs fhould not be ig- norant of : efpecially when they reproach the School-men, and fave themfelves the labour of underfianding them; ( when though they are too prefumptuous and curious, yet) one Rada, one 1Egid. Co- lumn. Rom. one jofeph Angles, &c, hath more clear explication of fuch Difficulties as they prefumptuoufly tamper with , than an hun- dred of our late Oratorical Novelifts, who are proud oftheir undi- gefied new Philofophy, and their unripe daringWits. THE