Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

THE Second Part. OF GODS GOVERNMENT, AND MORAL WORKS SECT. 1. The firfi Lam, z. Od the free Creator, Lord and Benefa&or of the world, was pleated tomakebit Creatures of various ranks ; and among the Rational to make Man a free undetermined felf-deter- mining Agent, not fixed by Neceffty in Loveand Obedience, but left with a Powerof Lovingand Obeying, which he could ufeor not ufe; that fo he might be a fit fubje l of Gods Moral Government by Laws, and perfwafions in this world, in order to a more fixed ftateofholi- nefs. Not but that Angelical Confirmation had been better for us; But it pleafed not God to compote the univerfe of Creatures only of the nobleft order. 2. When God exercifeth only a Moral not - determining operation upon this world ofFree Agents, it is not any difhonour to his Will or Power as if he could donomore ; But it is hisDelight thus to govern the creature according to the natureand rank which he hath made it in; and his non-volitions and non -operations of a higher fort, are agree- abletohis Perfehiion, Wifdom and Liberty ; Higher action being ufed on higher creatures. 3. Yet bath God placed and kept thefe free Agents, not only under his Moral Government, but an under his Dominion and difpofal; fo that he will do with them as his own,what helift,and none (hall fruftrate his difpofing Will. 4. It pleafed him firft tomake man perfef undera Law of Perfetaion, naking innocency or perfection the only condition of Life, and the contraryof Death. 5. When Man had fufficientGrace tohave kept this Law (not fufft- dent to afcertain the event, but fufficient Power to have flood, that is,, as much Graceas was neceffary tohis ftanding, fine qua non effe potuit, - cum qua efe potuit) he broke it and finned againft that fufficient Grace, before God either denyedhim any thing neceffary, orwithdrew any from him. E 2 6. From