Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and Moral Works. felicity. g. And alfo a holy Inclination perpetually to Love his God, and to know him. 6. AndGod commandedMan in the very Law of Nature (and pofitívely) certainmeans to be ufed, nodoubt in order to fuch felicity as the end which manby nature was obliged to intend. And doubtlefs God would not do all this invain ; His command to Peek Life, is a kindof Promife, that faithful feekers(hall obtain it. 7. And asNature made Punifhment due to the firmer ; fo it feemeth implyed in that very threatning of Nature, that the obedient (hall fpeed better. Whoever is angry with me for it, I muff fay, that thefe Natural Evi- dences areno inconfiderableperfwadersof my judgment, and dire&ors of it about the certaintyand nature of thePromtfè to Adam. a. But betides there, though the Scripturebe very filenthere, yet the fame feemeth implyed, i. In the threatning of death to Adam. a. In the titles of [Redemption Reconciliation RemiJon,] &c. given in the Gofpel to the a&s ofourSalvationby Jefus Chrift : which feem to im- port that they reflore us into that Bateof Heavenly hope, which we fell from in Adam ; when we all finned and came Ihort of the Glory of God, Rom. 3. SECT. II. Thefirfi Edition of the Law of Grace. 13. When God judged man for fin, at once he promifed him a Saviour, and through him as promifed, made a new Law ofGrace withman. 14. This Law giveth pardonof the Spiritual and Eternal Punifh- ment, and of all lave what was excepted in the Sentence foregoing: But pardon, not tobe abfolutely and immediately received, but by de- grees and upon certain terms: And with pardon a freegift of Life spiri- tual and Eternal, and foof the spirit and Communion with God, on the faidconditions. 15. The PromifeGen. 3.15. is plain as toMercy and salvation, and darker as to the promifedfled, and his mediation; and ,dark as to the Condition on man's part : But (bySacrifices, &c.) it is like that Adam had it more explained to him, than thofe short words makeit to us : But this is clear thatby this new Covenant God becometh man's Merciful Redeemer and Pardoner, and Ruler on terms ofGrace in order to recovery and salvation; And that man was to Believe in God as filch, and accor- ingly to devote himfelf in Covenant tohim. a 6. This Law or Covenant was made with allMankind inAdam : For all were in his loins; and God bath given us no more proof that the firfl Covenant was made with Adam as the FatherofMankind, than that the fecond was fo made. 17. Gods dealings with Mankind are a certain confirmation of this truth, and anexpofition andpromulgation of this Law and Covenant of Grace as extended to all Mankind. For Goddoth not ufe them accord- ing to the rigor of the violated Law of Innocency , but giveth them abundant mercies and means which tend to their Repentance and recovery, and obligeth them all toBelieve that heis merciful and their cafe is not defperare, and to Repent and ufe his means and mercies in order to their return to God and their Salvation. There are no Nations in the world