Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

algid eMorrzl ijör%r_. 33, and Worfhippersof Gód were there. But the Hiftory of yob and his Friends, the probability that all the Children of Ifmael, of Keturah, of Elaú, forfook not God (for they were circumcifed and therefore were Covenanters) with the Cafe of Nineve after; and Abraham's thoughts that even a Sodom hadat leaft had fifty righteous perfons in it, be. affit- rethus that the 7ews were not God's cad/ Church, but a peculiar people, and a Nation holy abovethe refl. And as theCovenantof Grace was 'fiill the GoverningLaw tothe reft ofthe world, (thoughmoft rejected it by rebellion) fo it is not to be thought that none confented to it and werefaithful. 24. Thefpecial promife toAbrahamof theMeffiah to be his feed, which was more than was made to Adamand Noah, as it belonged not to Man- kind in general, fowas it notpromulgate or known to them, but only to the jetvs , and the few that converted with them. Therefore the reft of theworld, werenot obligedto know and believeit, who never heard of it. 25. What Conditions of pardon and life were necefl'ary tò all Man- thetermsof theuni- kind then ingeneral, is molt probably gathered out of there Texts of verfal Covenant. Scripture. Exod.34. 6, 7. And the Lord--proclaimed the Nameofthe Lord-- TheLord, the Lord God, Merciful andGraciog -, long fitjfering and abun- dant inGoodnefsand Truth, keeping Mercy for theufands, forgiving ini- quity, tranfgreffionandfin, and that mill by no means clear theguilty, vi- (iting'the iniquity of the Fathers upon the Children, and to theChildrenr 'Children unto the third and to the fourthGeneration. This is the defcrip- tionof God given by his own mouth, as he is to be Believed ïn, and as theywere to be fubje land devoted to him : Andwhat mouth can lure- lier reveal him. And Heb. at. 6. ,Withoutfaith it is impofble to pleafe God; for he that cometh to Gad muff believe that God is, and that he is the Rewarder of them that diligentlyPeek him. A&. Io. 34, 35. Of a truth I perceive that God is no refpeller ofperfons, but in every Nation he that feareth him andworketh righteoufnefs is accepted with him. And John's and Chrift's Preaching were, Repent; And Except ye Repent ye fhall all perifh : And Chrift was a Prince, and a Saviour to give Repentance to Ifrael andRemi ffìon of Sins. 26. The belief of the pardoning Mercy of God to the penitent, and therecoverable Rateof Souls, and the duty ofRepenting, andfeekingpar- donand mercyof God, in order to Salvation , in oppofition to defpair and neglel ofall endeavours for recovery, is fo common to allMankind, that (though Pelf-love may make them hope inordinately for that which they would have tobe true; yet) it is molt apparent that it proceedeth from fomeNatural notion of God, and is to be numbred with the Notitix Communes;wh'rch are part controverfie with allMankind. 27. Therefore though theLawof Innocencywas the Lawof Nature in the full and eminent fence , yet this Common notice of Gods pardoning Mercy, and man's duty to Repent, hope and feek Salvation may well be called, The Law of lapfed Nature, as theother is the Law of Innocent Na' tare. For the Nature ofGod, and the nature of Man, with allcircum,fígnt Natures, and the court of natural Providence running fo much in the way ofgreat re flaring mercy, docertifiemankind of the forefaid hopes and duties. 28. For it is not (as Come have laid) an abfurdity, buta certain Truth, thatthe Law of Nature is as far mutable as Nature it felf is mutable. For theLawof Nature (commonlymifdefcribed) is nothing elfe but the Nature of Man and all other Creatures of God, fo far as per modem fgni F they