Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and eorálWorks. 3 5_ ifrael was a Holy Nation, as being nearerGod by feparation than the reft of the Nationsofthe world. 33. The entire Law of God which the ¡fráelitifb Nationwas under had all thefe parts. r. The remaining preceptive and dire&ive.part of theLaw of Nature. 2. TheUniverfal Covenant of Grace made with all mankind in Adam and Noah, and perfonally renewed to Abraham for himfelf and his pofterity. . 3. The fpecial promife to Abraham and his feed as a peculiarpeople of whom theMeffiahIhould come. 4. The body of the Law of Mofes as a Law for that Common-wealth. or Politic (which was not fo given toanyother Common-wealth orNation.)* t 9 LWho Suarez r6 dittiñ- I. The firft of thefeundoubtedly isfill inforce. guifheth bf the Law 2. The fecond is turned into the perfe& edition of the Covenant of sr;arya taken, and o i Grace, to thofe that have the Gofpel : And it continueth to the reff of m¡resofeærnar felicity; the world unrepealed, as to the fubftanceofthe mercies of it, (further and theLaw as including thanmendeprive themfelves of them by forfeitures, aswicked menhere therpo áá re the 1 ad do as to the merciesof the Gofpel) But as it is a promife of Chrift's fu- fuch promifes. But thole turc incarnation, it ceafed by.his coming. ofthe LaIhoútd the Soul Mot by 3. The third is ceafed by performance and by the yews apoftacy: the joys have ever been Though fome think {hid that it is in force, and that a national converfion !eparated from the nett, Ihall perform that promife to thefull. ButMr. Calvert (a Learned young to their conceits of it: man) bath latelywritten to prove thatno fuch national converfion is to beexpe&ed, but only luthadditions of particular mens converfion to theCatholick Chriftian Church, as are of that kind which hath been more fully done on the yews already. 4. As to the reft , it bath troubled Divines how far Mofes's Law is abrogated or ceafed; partly as to the Judicials, andchiefly as to the Del calogue. And thatwe may not be too forward to call one anotherLe= gatilts or Antinomiansfor this difference (thofe now called Antinomians being rather Libertine denyers of the Law of Chrift) I will notifie to thofe that know it not, that it is as much a difference among the Papifts greateft Doétors, who yet bear withone another in it, and the Pope de. cideth it not. Some fay that the Decaloguenow obligeth notas the Law of Mofes, but only as the Lawof Nature, and of Chrift : So Soto de Inflit. lì. a. q. 5. ar. 4. cond. 2. Medina I. 2. q. 563. ar.. quern aliqui moderni fequntur, faith Suarez , de Leg. 1.9. c. I t. p. 761. and Tolet. in tì.om. 3. Anot.1 g. calmer. adRom. 7. difp. 6. Vill or. Relit . de Matrini: 2. p, n. 3. Barrad. To. 1. li. 2. C. 21. Valent. To. 2. d:fp. 7. q. 7. punt. 7: ,To 'whom Suarez joyneth himfelf; confeffing (pag. 764, 765.) that if (as fome hold) Mofes Law had beenonly a Declaration of the Lawof Nature, andnotde novo preceptive, it could not be laid to ceafe. But he truly holdeth it to be eonflitutive orpreceptivealto to thofe that it was byMofes delivered to : And of this opinion I profels my Pelf (notwith- ftanding all that on other points I have writtenagainft the Antinomians) Believing that Chrift now is the Univerlal Law-giver ; and that the very Lawofnature (asNature it Pelf) is nowHis Law, and that he hath taken it in to his Gofpel adminiftration, and fo theDecalogue is materially in force, but not formally as part of the proper Mofaical Law , faveonly that asDeclarative and exparitate rationis, we may colle& that God who for luck reafons fo bound them, dothbindus to the fame things by the fame natural Reafons. But there are other Papift DO&ors that hold that as to the Morals MofesLaw as preceptive. is (till in force, even as then byhimdelivered; and that to all Chriftians,fo Bellarm. de 7uflif. li. 4. e. 6. Lorin. in AEI. Is: Vafquez who with DurandusPaladeen. Paul. Burgenf.And Suáret faith that F 2 Alph.