Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

and e7Vlordl lurks: 37 himand find him : though he be not far from every one of us : For in him we live andmoveandhave our being; For we are alfa his off - fpring, Aä. 17. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. For there is no difference between the yewand the Greek; For the fame Lordover all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whoever (hall call on the name of the Lord (hall bePaved : But have theynot heard ? Tes verily, their foundwent intoall the earth , and their words unto the ends of the world---Rom. io. 12, 13, 18. Defpifefl thorn the richesof his goodnefsandforbearance and longfutering, not knowing that the goodnefs of God leadeth thee to Repintance? Who will render to every manaccording to hisdeeds. To themwho by patient continuance in well doing feek for Glory and Honour and Immortality, Eternal life-- - Glory, honourand peace, and to every man thatworketh Good, to the yew full andalfo to the Greek; For there is no refpetl of perfons with God-- - For not the hearersof the Law are jufl before God , but the doers of the Law (hall bejuJlified. For when the Gentiles which have not the Law do by Nature the things contained in the Law, theft having not the Law are a Law unto themfelves; which Phew the workof the Law written in their hearts, their Confcienees alfobearing witnefs; and their thoughts in the mean whileaccníing or elseexcufing one another. In the day when God/hall judge the fecrets of men by jefus Chri.fí according to my Gofpel---Ifthe uncir. cumcihon keeps the righteoufnefs of the Law, fha'llnot his uncircumcifion, be counted for circtimcton ? He is aYew which is one inwardly, andcircum- rifon is that of theheart, in thefpirit, and not in the letter whole praise is not ofmen but of God, Rom. 2. SECT. III. Of Chrig's Incarnation and our Redemption. 36. In the fulness of time Godfont his son made of a Woman, made under the Law, to redeem them that were under the Law. Rom. 4. 4. But not them only; for God fo loved the world that hegave his only begotten son, that whoever believeth in him fbould not perish, but have everlarlirig life. Joh. 3. 16. He was "madefin for us, who knew nofn, that we might be made the righteoufnefsof God in him. He redeemed as from the Curfe of the Law , being made á Curfe for ins. For he is the Saviour of the world, and theLamb of God that taketh away the'fins of the world. He is the Propitiation for our fins, and not for ours only, but for the fins of the whole world : i Joh, 2. 2. For he tafledDeath foreveryman , Heb. 2. being the Saviour ofall:men, but efpecialllyofthofe that believe,i Tim.4. so. For if one dyedfor all, then were all dead g And he dyedforill, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themfelves, butunto him that dyed for thon and rofä again, 2 Cor. 5.14., 15. 37. As the eternal Word and WiCdom of the Father in his Divine nature only, was the interpofng Redeemer by undertaking, before his Incarnation, andgoverned the fain world by the fore-defcribed Law of Grace; to uponhis Incarnation initially, and upon his performanceplena- rily all things are delivered into his hands; even all the world fo far as it was defiled and curCed byMan's fin; Man as theRedeemed, the Crea- turesashis utenfls, and goods, "(and Devilsas hisand our Enemies :) All Power inHeaven and Earth wasgiven him, Matth. 26. 19. Joh. 13.1, 3. and 17. 2, 3. Alljudgment was committed to him; and the Father judgeth no man (but by him): But hatIsgiven him to have life in hemfelf, and to reife b