Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

Of Cod's government, 48. Thevery Nature and Reafonof the fatisfaï#orinefr of Chrift's fuf- ferings, was not inBeing the veryfame either in Kind or in Degree, which were due toall for whomhe fuffered : For theywerenot Inch : Ofwhich more afterwards. 49., They could not be the fame which was due by the Law : Forthe Lawmade it due to the sinner himfel f. And another: fuffering for him, fulfilleth not the Law (which never faid, Either thou or another for thee ¡halt dye) Butonly fatisfsed the Law-giver as he is above his own Law, andcould difpenfe with it, his jufiice beingfatisfied and faved. Dum aliasfolvit, aliadfolvitur.' a. And in it felf (thoughnot as fin) as is before opened, was the greateftpart ofthe Sinnerspunifbment (Tobe alienated fromGod, and not to love him anddelight in him, but to be corrupted and deluded and tormented by concupifcence). 3. And the immediate unavoidable confequents refulting from fin it fell, were punifhments which Chrift did never undergo. (As to be Hateful or dif- pleafng to God, as contrary to hisHoly nature ; to be related as Crimi- nal, to lofe all Right to Godsfavour and Kingdom, &c.) 4. And none of the further punilhments which fuppofed real faultinef:could fall on Chrift 5 as the torment of anaccufeng Confcience for rejeeting andoffend- ingGod, for calling away our own felicity, and running into hell, 6c. the fenfe of Gods hatred of usas real Sinners. 5. Much lels the defer- tions of the spirit ofHolinifs, to be left without goodnefs, in a Rate of fin , and to hate God for his juftice and holinefs, which will be the damneds cafe. The blind zeal of them that think they wrong the fufferings of Chrift , if they make them not thus of the fame kind withall that we deferved, . doth lead them to the intollerable Blafphe- ming of our Saviour; which if underftood , they would themfelves abhor. 5o. Nor could Chrift'sfufferings be equal in Degree, inten ivelyand extenfively, to all that was deferved by the world :.As is eaffly difcer- nible byperufing what is nowPaid, feeing ourdeferved fuffering lay in things of fuch a Nature, as to be left in fin it felf, deflitute ofGods Image, and Love and Communion , under his hatred, tormentedin Con- fcience; befides the everlafting torments ofhell, which are more than thefe, uponall the millionsofSinners which were redeemed. 51. Yet did Chrift fuffer more in soul than in Body, being at the pre- If in any of thefe lent deprived of that kindoffinfe of Gods Love, and joy therein, which points men of leis accu- wasno part of his holinefs orperfeîlion, (but noother) and having on words, úfk notrthere his Soulthe deep fenfe ofGods dilpicafure with Sinners and of his hatred words, take' not there- fore the old way ofpro- of fin, though nofence ofGods hatredto himfelf. For it is conceiveable claimingthem Hereticks; how Chrift being the Lover and furety or Sponfor for Sinners, and un- till you have tryed how far they erre indeed. dertaking to fuller as a Sacrificefor their fins, and intheir [lead, might Mott of our lower Di- have on his own Soul the forrowful.fenfe of Gods hatred of fin and vines ofallparties would be made Hereticks for wrath againft Sinners, though not properly terminated onhimfelf; and want of Skill in thede- fo hebore the forrowof our tranfgreffions, and was fo far forfaken of nominations allowable or not allowable bythe God for that time, and not further. Communication of idi- 5a. The true Reafonof the fatisfallorinefs of Chrift's fufferings was, acct, the that the were a mo apt means for the demon ration of the Governing accuratenefs mutt be the }' f f tell. e. g. If the queltion were whether the Humanity be part of Chrift , or Chrií be compounded of a Divine Nature and Humane, ere. Many would affirm ir, that mean well . But faith Atliar. Cameron. 3.q. Pepe per/ono :eque ',aura divine eft compofita ; nee Clrillus elf compofnueex diabla natures, divina fcilicet humane b five ex trtbus rebus, CorporeRiling, anima &divtnitate: fed cannon exduabus, fetundum humanitatem, [ilieet corpore ex anima efentialiter, ex er infinitrs partibuo quantitativis iutegraliter. fire men eft ex humanitatenlfrs poi Pars fins divina. Howmany have gone for Hereticks for wean of the Ìanguag ofArill?tlt eft and the Schoolmen? jufiice,,