Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

44_ Of god's government, New Covenant are no Laws, and that we have none from Chrift but the (t) That chili is trulya Decalogue and Old Teflament; were I towriteagainst them topurpofe, King, and fo a Law - I Would plentifully prove themSubverters ofChriflianit it felland give Giver, andhash proper Y p y g Laws, andnot only Do- full evidence against them , to any that believe the holy Scriptures. arines (and horn great And contrarily I would prove, that thereare nís Divine Laws but what an injury fonte Pro-. Wants have done the are truly the Laws of our Redeemer, now in the world, and that all Church bydenying (be- Infidels are ruled, and thall be judged by a Law of Grace, though not fides theAntinomians.) see SaareK,de Leg. 1. to. of theTaft evangelical Edition ; and that he that feareth not breaking C. I. whore proofs of the theLaws ofChrift, (hall hear at laic; Thofe mine Enemies that would not thingare unanswerable; that I /Could Reign over them bring them hither and flay them before me And I have long ago g g f }' .% 9 proved it in otherWrit- ',ilk. 19. 27. (a) Ings. (b) As to the queftion,Whether Chri(t'sLaw be exterior infgnis(vocal but Slam atterting that thrift's Law is only andwritten ) or in the Heart by the spirit, Suarez truly faith, That !ex- Moral and Ceremonial, im eran: isin (i nit in Scripture words but 'exim ellens is the spirit - (in the Sacraments)and r g ( p ) p p T not judicial, loth plain- which though here the chief, yet is not properly but metaphorically ly confefs that God ne- called a Law, (pag. 819: 6li.. 1. in principio.) Though he add, that ver initituted the Papa- - -cyand their Difciplir.e: it was eight yearsbefore the Gofpel was written byMatthew, and longer Yea he faith,(c.a.p.8to. b y the reft andt4hat all that time and fince it is written in the Heart. dChrijturinfualegenihil e præceptm tadieialibus But memorymay retain a vocal Law, before the Heart. ( by love and t atait : etram f in Ec- fubje&ion do receive it. . atifrna at tails eftt 61. In this Law or Covenant is. made a free univerfal Deed of 'Gift of alrguæ ¿ego 7oidrerales fat necefariæ adpaliticamre- Chrift' first, and ofPardon, spirit andGlory in and byhim to all Mankind gimen defpifiva good without:exception, whowill believingly_acceptit in its truenature, as it is foio modo fprrrtnale e(f ; aihrlominas nolair Cirri- ofered therein 3 Or [.If they will f accept it as Believers. ] ihts daminus per fe ipfam 62, This. Covenant is to be preached by Christ's Ministers, and men ilia: leges: Terre, fed id Vicariia fan remmr(t, ye. invited to believe and confent : And all that fo do, are to profef that tetarem ad iilas ferendea Coflfent by afolemn Covenant;in their Baptifm, and fo to give up themfelver cis tribuenda : Et idea il- Le Leger non lab Lege Di- devotedly to Godthe Father, Son, andHoly Ghoil; renouncing the Devil, _ vina, fed lab canonica FlefbandWorld. tar loqende deLegeedud- 63. For Faith in God theFather is as effential a part of that Faith na nova, in ilia non inve- which we mull profess in Baptifm, and is called commonly je&ofying, as innrar præcepta jad;cia Faith in Chrift is : And fo is Faith in the Holy Ghoft in its lace. For it dlit. ] So that Chrift ne- ver y made the Papacy, is not poffible to believe in Chrift, without believingfirft in God, to norany of its appointed whom he is thewá and with whomhe is our Mediator g nor to believe Indeed he in y' Baptifm as our Church- trim fullyasChrist, -unless we believe inhim, asgiving us thefanaifying entrance,and more than Spirit. a Ceremony : and the flueof Cl uch Officers, 64. This Covenant is neverthelefs free (as to the donation of the and their work and dii Gifts,) for being conditional : For the Condition is not the purchafe, pro- cipline, Mat, 18. And what his Spirit' did in cerement' by efficient eaufality , or any way a proper cauf of the Gift the Apofiles, he did in as given, but only a difkoftive cause of our reception of it, andof the another fort than he cloth by any ordinary Gift os received . It is a removens prohibent.. The Conditionas impose , Minifters that have but and as the mode of thé Promife, is only a fufpenfion of the Donation and hei ,spirits ordinary Right till it be performed : The Condition as performed, is a removing the (b) Aquinas and many fufpenfon: And fo it a. receiving caufeg which is butdifpoftio materia fame laterSefañès, and 'receptiva (of which morein due place. ) fay that it's the Spirits 65. And the Gift is neverthelefs free,. because the Condition is but Operation on the Heart, fuch as is moally-antecedently- neceffäry to the reception of fee Gifts. that is the Lex nova, and that it is not written: For though phyfical Donation oft make its own way, and pre-require Em he coma not deny not fuch Conditions as there at leaft g yet moral Donation by Deed of bur that yet the Gospel is Leo tana Scrrpea : But Gifi, fuppofeth that the person will receive it, and defpi ing, or untha& - fainy da semine ,aixm fill refusal, or turning it against the Donor, nullifieth fucha Donation this but for ti:efe,on- í dary fence of the Ltx in the Civil Laws of men. which is the firft, and that the obliging Law a and the other the effeets of it as various as perfons are that have ir, and not the Rule of Obliga- tion : And elfe-where I have fhewcd al£o, de Lege natata: 66. And