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and /1dorál Works. 66. And theBenefits are neverthelefs conditionallygiven, though the Spirit of Chrift caufe as to perform the Condition : For they are called conditional from the mode or form, of the Covenant, whichgiveth men Right toChrift and Life exprefly on condition ofbelieving. 67. Though this believing be fometimes defcribed as theaffent of the Intelle&, and fometimesas the content ofthe will, and fometinieas apraflicá!affiance, trottingChrift as a Saviour, to Cave us, with Soul and Body, to the renouncing and letting go all other truft ; Yet when ever 'uflifcation and Life ispromifed to Faith, all thrfe three are the effential parts of it. 68. The cleareft difcovery of the true, nature ofGods Covenant With man, andof that Faith by which we"partakeof the benefits of it, is in Baptifm itfelf, whichhath ever been the entranceof men into Gods Covenant as confented to, and mutual, and fo intoa vi(iblefiate ofChrii- ànity and memberfhipofChrift and the CatholickCChurch. And there- fore it is happy for us, that Chrift fo exprefly delivered the form of the Baptifmal Covenant , and the Univerfal Church bath fo fafely in her pra&ice kept it. 69. This Baptifmal Covenant which is conditional, and theconfent to whichdothmake as ChrJians, mutt be ftill dittinguifhed from the Cove- nant between the father andChrift, or his' Law of Redemption : And God promifeth not to us, all that he promifeth to Chrift for us; nor giveth all to is which he giveth tohim. 70. And it mutt be diftingúifhed from Gods weer Predielionsconcern-. ing his Elea ( that he will call them, renew them, and fave them,) or if thofe Predi&ions run inthe formofa Promife, eitheras they are pro- mifes ro Chrift concerning the Elea, or as promifes to the Church in gene- ral, how God will perfeil it, ftill they-giveeno man aLaw-Title or Right toany of theBenefits, till he is a Believer They juftifieand pardon no man : And fo theymutt not be confounded with the Baptifmal Covenant, which is Godsfiated Infirument of 'ufiifzcationand of Government, and the Law by which he will Judgeus at the lait. 71. This Baptifmal Covenant is the charanler and teft, bywhich we mutt judgewho are Chrisiians, and members of the Catholick Church of Chrift, and not by their Subje&ion to a pretended vicarious univerfal Monarch. And this is the chara&er (with confent tohis relation there ) by whichevery mans fitnefs for memberfhip in aparticular Church mutt be judgedof And not by other Covenants (befides that confent) and proofs ofConverfion, not here included. And this containeth the true Chara&ers, by which every man may know himfelf whether he bea true Chriflian, and mutt judge ofhis fincerity and right toChrift, Juftifica- tion and Salvation, as he is or is not a fincere confenter to it truly under- ftood in theef3'ential parts. SECT. V. Of the Gift and Works of the Holy ghat 72. Thereare three fortsof Operations of the Holy Ghoft, onecom- mon, and two proper to them that ¡hall have, or already have Juftifica- tion. r. The 4i