Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .B397 1675

46 Ofgod's government, r. The firft is preparing common Grace, which maketh men fitter for fpecial Grace, which yet theymay have that peril i. The Thomifts make the 2. The fecond is that Grace of the Spirit by which we perform the <ft of contrition and ß,3,1 Ali offpecial Faith and Repentance , calIed commonly by Divines charity to be the ulti- mate difpofitionto Jufli- Vocation, which goeth before any fpecial habit; but not before any holy fication, which is with fed; Becaufe the very influx ofthe Spirit on the Soul isas a feed, which themthe that yet exciteth the Aft aí1 before a habit, though not ordinarily before fome thtÿ fay, c t it flowed' .IY g from that habit; And if preparations. This Faith is commanded us as our duty firft, and made thediflinftion of Alva- nece ary tous, as the Conditionofthe Covenant And when we knowit re7Dift.deAnx.59P,v4 & palm be not contra- tobe thus required of us, and hear in the Gofpel the Keafons which di ion I underhand it fhould- perfwade us, then the Holy Spirit moveth us by his Influx tobe- hot , [ Eadem contritio Ime ele ;ltima di¡paftio lieveand confent, whereGodandman are conjunûAgents; but man fub- ad gratis', & in genere ordinate to God. caule materialisdntecedit i[lam , i, genere tamers 3. The third fort is theSpirits Operation of thehabit of Divine Love, tameformals &Ocien- and all other Graces in the Soul, which is called his In-dwelling, and grad a Though a h7;the that Sanili cation This is that Gift of theSpirit betides Miracles ofold grade.] f . ( which is the effeft of which is promifed toBelievers : To this,Faith is theCondition : To this, one aft of Gods Lave, upon believin it is that wehave Right given us b Gods Covenant and be the objeft of ono P g g g y thee aft. thus it is that by Baptifmourright to the Spirit, as an in-dwelling SanCti er and comforter is given us. 73. This thirdGift or Work ofthe Spirit eminently fo called, is in the fame inftantof time given us as the fecond, (but not of nature) or at leaft immediately thereupon when we believe: But yet they are not to be confounded on many accounts. 74. But yet though fome degree of the Spirit be prefently given to everyBeliever, it is ufually buta fpark at firft ; And there are further means and conditions appointedus for the increafe, and aúual helps from day today : And he that will not wait on the Spirit in the ufe of thofe means, dothforfeit hishelp according to his neglect. 71. Henceit isthat mofi, if notall Chriftians have lower meafuresof theSpirit thanotherwife they might have, and that judiciallyas a punifh- ment for Sin; However God isfleeherein, and ifhepleafemaygivemore even to them that forfeit it. The extent cf the New 76. This Covenant ofGrace,being a conditionalpardon of allthe world, Covenant. isuniverfal in the tenor or fenfe of it; It is of all Mankind without ex- ception that Chrift faith, If thou confefr with thymouth, and believe in thy heart, thou ¡haltbefaved: Noperfonantecedently is excluded in the world. 77. And as to the promulgation of it, Chrift bath commifoned his Minifters to preach this Gofpel to all the world, and to every Creature : So that to theutmolt of their power they are to offerand publifh it to the whole world. And Princes and people are all bound in their feveral places to affift them, and to help to propagate the Gofpel throughout all the Earth : So that the reftraint of it is not by the tenor of the Law. 78, Thofe Nations which defpife and refufe theGofpel are juftly de- privedofit, penally for that rejection. 79. Thofe Nations that live inhumanely and wickedly againft the meansand mercieswhich they have; do forfeit their hopesofmore. Eo. As God in all Ages bath vifited the fins of the Fathers on the Children, as the inftances ofCain, Chans, Nimrod, and others common - ly (hew, and bathproclaimed it as his Name, Exod. 34. and put it in Tables ofStone in theSecond Commandment (and not only of Adam's fin); fo may hejuftly deal by the Pofterityof theDefpifers of the Gof- pel, Matth. 28. 19, to. Mark 16. t5, t6: a